From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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obvious and be rude to him. After all, she didn‘t know him. She was just starting to see through him.


“Hi,” she said, smiling, trying to be nice, even though this man was starting to scare her. “How are you doing?”


Their bodies were too close to one another, so she took a few steps back so that he wouldn‘t get the wrong ideas about her. “I‘m…I‘m doing very well, thank you. How are you doing?”


“I‘m wonderful now that you‘re here.”


She laughed. She couldn‘t hide her nervousness. She cleared her throat. “I don‘t mean to be rude, but I‘ve got to go to work. I‘ve got an important meeting in my husband‘s film-production company.”


“I know that you‘re married. For some reason, that doesn‘t push me away from you. It draws me closer to you rather.”


“Ah, so you have a thing for married women, huh?”


“Don‘t get me wrong. It‘s not that I have a thing for married women. When I‘m interested in a woman, and I find out she‘s married, I usually leave her alone and do my best to not even see her again. However, with you, it‘s different. I am infatuated. I can‘t get you out of my mind, and I am willing to fight for you.”


“If you know who I am, and you know I‘m married then you know who my husband is,


“Yes, I know who your husband is.”


“I think you should know my husband is not possessive, controlling, or exceedingly jealous. He trusts me with all he has. He never thinks that I‘m cheating on him, never contemplates that possibility. Nonetheless, when he notices or hears that a man is enamoring me, you know what he does? He hurts him, very, very badly. Therefore, if you‘ve got a thing for me, you better get over me. I acknowledge that you‘re handsome, but I am not interested in you. My husband is a one-woman man, and I am a one-man woman. That‘s why we got married, because we have the same morals, ideals and values. Now, if you excuse me, I have to go back to work.” She pushed him out of the way and walked away from him, but as she walked to the door and then opened it to get out, she turned to look at him and said, “Forget about me, seriously. It‘s never going to happen. You‘d have to rape me, and if you put your hands on me, I‘ll break every single bone in your body. There are billions of women out there for you to choose from, and you can literally have any woman you want—except me. Don‘t forget that.” She walked out of the coffee shop and closed the door behind her as she took her first sip of coffee. The other customers couldn‘t stop staring at the man. This was the most embarrassing moment in his entire life. Many women have turned him down, but never in this way. No woman had ever threatened to break his bones if he touched her. He was saddened and he wanted to hide his head in the sand, but he wouldn‘t give up. He walked out of the coffee shop to get those prying eyes away from him. Now they thought the worst of him and perhaps, he would have to move to another city where nobody knew him—but he wouldn‘t go anywhere without Kay.


That day, while Kay worked hard in the company, Constantine still couldn‘t stop thinking about her. No woman had made him feel this way before. He was starting to become obsessed, and now that she‘d turned him down, it was even worse. In the past, when a woman would reject him, he would just let her go and hope that the next woman he would show interest in would give him a chance. Now, he wasn‘t willing to take no for an answer. Kay was right, he had billions of