From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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She got up and placed her arms around him. “That‘s right. You have me. You will always have me. Why chase after something you know you can‘t have and throw away something that you already have?”


“You know you‘re right. I hate to admit it, but you‘re right. That‘s what I hate about you. When I contradict you or fight you in any way, I never win.”


“I‘m not asking you to get over her overnight. I know it‘s impossible for you, just as it was impossible for me to get over you. I am just asking you to consider giving me another chance. If you want, for now, we can have a commitment-free relationship, while you decide what to do.”


“You would do that for me?”


“Don‘t you know by now? I‘d do anything for you, Constantine. I‘ve never done this for any other man. What do you say?”


“All right, but this isn‘t just for me. You can be with other guys if you want to, also, and if you find that one guy that will help you forget about me, then in the end it‘s going to be better for all of us.”


She went to the door to walk out.


When she was turning the knob, he said, “Wait.” She turned around. “Yes.”


“I know I deserve it, but please, don‘t you leave me, too. I want you to stay. Stay the night at least, please.”


“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I am.”

She walked up to him and gave him a big hug.


“Thank you for putting up with my bullshit. You‘re the only one that does. There‘s no other woman like you.”


“Don‘t forget that,” she replied, and they hugged again.


Kay was at home with Robinson, in the dining room, eating dinner, Fettuccine Alfredo, with a lettuce and tomato salad, no dressing, and pink lemonade to drink. She couldn‘t keep inside what had happened between her and Constantine. Otherwise, she felt like she was giving leeway for there to be something between her and this crazed man, or for him to rape her, and her to have to kill him because she‘d done nothing to keep this from happening. “Rob, I have to talk to you.”


“You sound concerned. What happened?” He already knew what happened, but he wanted to hear her out. He wanted to see if she would be honest with him and hear from her own lips how she really felt about this man. He held her hand to show her support.


“I met a man today who‘s been after me for a long time, and I really don‘t know what to do. I told him that I‘m married, but he doesn‘t care. He wants to be with me anyway, and I don‘t want him, I want you. I don‘t want anyone else. I think he‘s got mental problems. He doesn‘t know what he was doing. I saw it in his eyes. He‘s not acting like a sane person.”


“Are you sure you don‘t want anything with him? He‘s beyond handsome.” “Are you envious of his physique?” she said, shocked.


“No, I‘m not envious of any man‘s physique. I have a high self-esteem, but at the same time I can‘t deny that the man is very, very good looking. That is something that cannot be ignored, and I don‘t envy him at all, but many men do. Every man that has seen him envies him. He‘s very charming to women. That‘s why you‘ve got to be careful.”