From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“You mean he is mentally ill indeed.”


“Yes, he is. He‘s got many unresolved traumas. You don‘t know anything about him, just that he‘s infatuated with you, and what you don‘t know can kill you. Stay away from him.”


“Infatuated? More like obsessed!”

“Yes, I know, honey. He‘s sick.”

“What can I do to get him to leave me alone without having to…?”


He placed his index finger on her lips to silence her. “I know this is hard, but don‘t even think about that.” Then, he held her hand once again. “I‘ve had the same thing happen to me, and I‘ve dealt with it. You can, too.”


“What did you do? Can you tell me?” She was crying in earnest now. This situation was driving her crazy. “I don‘t want to end up at the mercy of a total psycho.”


“You won‘t. I‘ll help you. Don‘t worry. We‘ll see what we can do.”


“Perhaps if you meet him somewhere and help him get over his traumas, the way only you can, maybe when he‘s sane again he‘ll realize that there can never be anything between us.”


“That‘s one of many possible solutions, and the one that will help us all rather than get us in trouble with the law. I‘m going to execute our plan tonight. The sooner we get this out of the way, the better, and then we can get on with our lives. Do you know what this man‘s name is?”

“No, I don‘t.”


“Ok, I know what he looks like, and that helps a lot. I‘ll be able to come up with his full name, his address and his phone numbers. Once I have that information, I will take it from there. In the meantime, you‘re going to stay home, relax, read a novel, surf the Net, or do anything entertaining to get your mind off this little loon. By the time I get back home, you won‘t have to worry about him. I‘d like to let you know, I don‘t mind other men admiring you. I mean I don‘t blame them, and I know that many, many men have gone head over heels for you, but to those men, you‘re just their inspiration.”


“None of those men have ever touched me.”


“Right, that‘s because they know they can‘t have you. It‘s like you‘re this superstar, and they‘re your fans.”


“Yes, I know.”


“But this dude in particular is planning to go all the way with you, and we won‘t let that happen.”


Robinson spent the next ninety minutes of his valuable time looking up Constantine‘s basic personal information. Many men looked like Constantine when he looked men up on the Internet matching Constantine‘s physical characteristics, but Constantine had physical features that none of those men had, features that made him irresistible to many women and at the same time helped tell him apart from others who looked like him. There was no man in this world that looked exactly like him, just like there was no man in this world who looked like Robinson, Haggai and Heber, Sergio or any other Emadorian. It turned out that Constantine was an Emadorian, too, an Emadorian that hadn‘t discovered his extraordinary supernatural powers. He didn‘t know that only God Almighty was more powerful than he was, a million times more powerful, and Constantine could do anything he wanted in life. He could heal his emotional pain, get over his traumas and live a normal life. There was no problem that Constantine couldn‘t solve. He just didn‘t know it yet, and this made everything a lot easier for Robinson. All that Robinson had to do to get him off him and Kay‘s back was to show Constantine what Constantine was made of. That way, he could be happy with the true love of his life—Starr