From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Chapter 11


Constantine felt chills running up and down his spine. For the first time ever, he was successful in hiding his thoughts from an Emadorian. Oh, no, this man is going to beat on my bones! If he found my phone number he found my physical address! What am I going to do now?


Starr saw Constantine‘s face of utter horror and became terrified for him. “Honey, what‘s wrong?”


“I want you to meet me at the abandoned hospital three miles from your house tonight at nine o‘clock sharp. Don‘t stand me up. We have to talk. I‘m certain you‘ve seen me before, either in person or in pictures because you know a lot about my wife. You‘ll know who I am. If you don‘t show, I‘ll be forced to take drastic measures just to get to you. I‘ll see you then.” Robinson hung up.


Constantine hung up.

“What‘s wrong, baby? Who was that?” said Starr.

“That was Robinson Bennett, Kay‘s husband.”


“I didn‘t want you getting into trouble. What are you going to do now?” “What can I do? Facing him is my only choice. I have to get ready for this.” The hours quickly passed and at eight o‘clock, Constantine was ready to talk to


Robinson. His intentions weren‘t good, however. Constantine knew who Robinson was, but he really wanted Kay for himself. He was lying to Starr. He didn‘t want anything to do with her. He was so obsessed with Kay that he didn‘t realize Starr was the true love of his life. He was making a big mistake. He knew that he couldn‘t kill Robinson, but perhaps, if he shot him in the head with the gun that he was bringing with him, he could cause great brain damage. Perhaps Kay would get sick of caring for Robinson, in due time, and he would be the first man that she would run to. For the first time in their lives, Robinson and Constantine were wrong in what they were thinking. Robinson thought that he would make Constantine see the error of his ways and Constantine thought that he‘d be able to bring Robinson down. Constantine was one evil son of a bitch who could not be reformed, and Robinson was about to figure this out the hard way—until now.


Someone rang Constantine‘s bell at the moment. Starr was at her mother‘s house, fixing her computer because Starr was a certified computer technician. She had eight years of experience because she finished high school early, at age fourteen. Starr was a genius and she was obsessed with computers and everything pertaining to them. She loved building them from scratch, taking them apart, and fixing them. Usually, when Starr fixed a computer, she was so good that the computer would not have the problem that Starr took care of once again. If the computer broke down it was because of another problem. Computers that Starr had fixed were still sitting in an office in their owners‘ homes, while their owners played with new ones instead of spending big bucks upgrading their computers‘ hardware. Oh, no, who the hell is that and what does he or she want? I’ve got a place to go to and someone to kill. I’ll see what I can do to get rid of this person as soon as possible. Constantine gasped when he opened the door. His visitor was none other than Carlos, and Carlos had never looked so angry or so serious. Both to Constantine‘s luck and disgrace, Constantine and Carlos had known one another for a long time, but they were never the best of friends. “What do you want, Carlos?”


Carlos made his way in and slammed the door behind him, making Constantine jump.