From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“What the hell‘s your problem? Who do you think you are to come into my house like



“I know what you‘re planning to do. Your meeting with Robinson Bennett will not take place, tonight or ever.”


“…Tonight or ever,” Constantine repeated and then laughed. “What are you going to do to stop me, Carlos, huh?”


“I already did something to stop you. I called Robinson and told him what you were up to. He no longer wants to see you.”


“And he believed you.”


“He knows it when one‘s telling him the truth. You know that better than anyone, and you‘re the same way. You just refuse to see it. You are so messed up in the head that you refuse to see what‘s right in front of you.”


“What the hell are you talking about?”

“You‘ll see.” Carlos walked closer to Constantine. “I‘m not done with my mission just


“You aren‘t? What are you going to do, kill me?”


“No, man, forget about that. I‘m not like you. I‘m going to do something a lot better. In fact, some really nice people could pull up in your driveway any minute now.”


“What the…? …Really nice people? What are you up to, man?”


“Tonight you‘re going to the place where you belong. You‘re going to hell, literally.” All of a sudden, several demons showed up at his door. They looked like normal people,


but they were too angry. They took Constantine out of the house. Constantine was literally torn into pieces. No one ever saw him again.


Constantine woke up from his horrible dream. He fell asleep in his car for a few minutes on his way to the abandoned hospital. He was frightened. It was nine o‘clock and he still didn‘t make it to his destination. Carlos and Robinson were waiting for him at the abandoned hospital. It was hard for him to breathe. This was his most frightening dream yet.


In the hospital, Carlos told Robinson, “Don‘t worry. He‘s coming.”


“Why is he taking so long?” said Robinson, anxious. “I was very clear with him. I told him not to stand me up!”


“He‘s not going to. Just wait a few more minutes, ok? He has no idea what‘s coming to him. We‘ve got to stop this man. He‘s out of his mind. If we don‘t do this, he‘s going to hurt Kay. He‘s going to do damage so severe that she might never recover. We‘ve got to protect her, and this is the only way, because the man is so whacked in the head that he‘s not going to change.”


“Are you sure he‘s one of us, Carlos?”


“I‘m sure. I knew from the moment I met him several years ago, when we were just little kids. We both lived up here all this time. I know who we‘re dealing with. You don‘t.”


“How can we stop him without committing a crime?” “Just do what I say, and we‘ll be fine.”


Fifteen minutes later, Constantine arrived. He expected Robinson to be alone. When he saw Carlos and Robinson together, he started shaking and even shedding tears. He thought his nightmare would come true because it happened to him many times before. Every time he had a premonition, it would come true. Carlos and Robinson didn‘t have anything to worry about. They were violating the laws of nature and morals, but they weren‘t committing a crime. They