From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Sergio was eavesdropping on them behind the door. He was anxious to know who did this to Carlos, and Constantine and Opal were working very hard to keep him from finding out, until now. Once that Carlos mentioned Constantine‘s name, Constantine and his minions couldn‘t stop the truth from coming out. Sergio was here to check on his patient and his progress. Of course, Sergio didn‘t want the guys to know that he heard everything, so he came in as if he had arrived at that moment and heard nothing. “Hello, Mr. Roman, how are you doing?” He started writing in the papers of his clipboard, describing how Carlos looked so far, as Carlos and Robinson looked at him. “Tell me how intense your pain is on a scale of one to ten.”


“Thanks to you, my insides couldn‘t be better, but my skin is screaming that the pain level is definitely ten.”


“Oh, God…” said Robinson, worried.


“You will be given some medication to calm the pain so you can sleep,” Sergio said, still writing on his clipboard.


“I have a feeling that this medication will do much more than calm the pain,” Robinson commented.


Sergio cleared his throat and said, almost in a whisper, “Please be careful not to say things like that out loud. What we‘re doing here is top secret. We‘re going to extremes to help the patients that no other doctor can do anything for.”


“I know that, but I also know nobody heard me,” said Robinson, smiling like a mischievous five-year-old.


Sergio took another look at him and smiled. Then he took a deep look at what was beneath Carlos‘ bandages. “Over twenty percent of the skin has healed. I guess your body‘s not used to suffering damage, Mr. Roman. Otherwise you would‘ve recovered by now.”


“The damage they caused me was severe, Dr. Snyder.”

“Tell me something. Do you know the people who did this to you?”


“I know the mastermind, but the people that did the job, I‘d never seen them in my life. All I know is that one of them is like you and me.”


“Are you serious?” said Robinson.

“Yes, Robinson, believe it or not, there are people like us who are evil out there.”


“Our Emadorian friend really is evil or he‘s got a twisted sense of loyalty, you know, the kind of person who would do anything for someone they love, no matter how treacherous,” said Sergio.


“It‘s the latter, Dr. Snyder. The love of this person for Constantine Everhart has no limits,” said Carlos.


“Yes, but that boundless love is going to cost him,” Sergio said. “I hope these people don‘t think that they‘ll get away with what they did because it‘s not going to happen. You‘re a wonderful person, Carlos. You have never hurt anyone. You don‘t deserve this.”


“Are you sure about that, doctor? I mean I know what others have done when I‘ve spent a few hours with that person and I see through him or her to know who he or she really is and what he or she is capable of, but doctor, I don‘t know about me. I could‘ve seriously hurt someone and…”


“Trust me. You have never hurt anyone in any way. I know. I saw right through you, too, and believe me, I loved what I saw. You are a great person, Carlos. The people that did this to you, they‘re going to pay, big time. Now if you know who the mastermind was, you better start talking. You want me to call Detective Sheldon? He‘s in charge of this case, you know, and he‘s