From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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waiting for me to call him and tell him that you‘re ready to talk? He doesn‘t know just how much your condition has improved.”


“I don‘t want to say anything yet.”


“Carlos!” Robinson said, outraged. “You want to protect this idiot?” “No, it‘s not that I want to protect him.” “So it was a man.”


“I just can‘t talk yet because I‘ve got no proof.”


“Oh, don‘t worry about that,” Sergio said. “I‘m going to help the police with their investigation. I was at the crime scene, remember? I‘m the one that helped put out the flames.”


“Yes, I remember. How could I forget? Question is do you know what happened before then? Did you see these people? Have you met them in person?”


“No, I have never had the misfortune to meet them in person, but I know who they are. Don‘t tell anyone though.”


“Oh, no, how could I? It‘ll ruin everything.”


“The truth is I know what happened. I saw it all, from start to finish. The reason why I didn‘t keep it from happening despite your pain is because I wanted these idiots to finally get what they deserved. You see, Carlos, this is not the first crime they‘ve committed. We‘re talking about attempted murder here, but the other times they‘ve tried to kill someone, they‘ve succeeded.”


“Oh, God, these people are dangerous!” Carlos said, alarmed.


“Yes, they are, Carlos, and if you don‘t put a stop to their reign of terror, no one will. You have no clue of all the things they‘ve gotten away with. I can‘t stay here and tell you because I‘ve got other patients to take care of, and they need me right now.”


“I understand. You‘ve got lives to save, so go on, Dr. Snyder, and do your job!” Sergio walked to the door, turned the knob and got out of the room. “I am. In the

meantime, you do your job.” He closed the door behind him.


“He‘s right. You have to put these people behind bars before they hurt someone else.” “I know Kay is next, and I‘ve got to protect her. I know what they do to people like us who do things like what these idiots did to me. They don‘t put them in jail because they know


they‘ll escape and never be seen again, no. They do something much, much worse, and that is exactly what my victimizers deserve. I don‘t feel sorry for them, and I‘m not going to protect them. I am going to protect their next victims. You know you guys are right. I‘ve got to put a stop to all of this, and I‘m going to do it right now.”


Ten minutes later, Detective Sheldon was in Carlos‘ room. Robinson knew he was on his

way over, so he stayed by Carlos‘ side. Carlos and Robinson took this chance to explain to

Detective Sheldon how Constantine Everhart and his minions were terrorizing them and their

loved ones. Just a few minutes before, they went to Mrs. Bennett‘s house and beat her up for no


reason. She didn‘t defend herself because she wasn‘t violent and because she didn‘t want to kill

anyone. Robinson and Carlos explained to Detective Sheldon everything that happened last

night. The horrifying scenes started playing in Det. Sheldon‘s head like a movie. Det. Sheldon

shed tears when he saw Carlos‘ incredible pain, and how he thought no one would get here in

time to save him. If Carlos hadn‘t been rescued last night, the flames would‘ve caused

irreversible damage, and Carlos would‘ve been disabled for the rest of his life because Owen

took from Carlos‘ body the ability to regenerate and recover on its own, and Carlos would only

get that back if someone else gave it back to him. Every minute that went by, Carlos got better