From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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superhuman, and they had no idea what we had in store for them after finding out the truth about them.


As soon as he morphed back into human form, she said, impressed, “Wow, I daresay you‘re anything but monstrous!”


Smiling sweetly and brightly, and feeling good about him for the first time in his entire life, Robinson replied, “Thank you, likewise.”


She laughed. “I know what you meant by that. I knew you‘d bounce it right back at me. A few minutes ago you told me that I was the most beautiful woman you‘d ever seen and that you would marry me any day, but you never told me the third reason why you decided I would be your wife.”


“The third reason why I decreed that you and I would tie the knot is because you‘re very fertile.”


Open-mouthed and wide-eyed, she asked, almost yelling, “How in the world do you know that?”


“I know how fertile a woman is just by looking at her.”


Confused and scratching her head, Kay asked, “Do you also know if a human being has a disease, any kind of disease, just by looking at him or her? What is that superpower that you possess that makes you do something so amazing?”


“It‘s not a superpower. It‘s unknown whether we have superpowers or not. The ability that we have to know what‘s wrong with any other living thing just by taking one looks at it, that‘s nothing but an extraordinarily well-developed sixth sense.”


Kay laughed and asked, “Do you have a seventh sense by any chance?” and then said, “Let me clarify that I‘m not making fun of you; I‘m just curious.”


“I know it when someone‘s making fun of me. Don‘t worry about it.” “Is that linked to the realm of your six senses?” “I think so. I‘m not sure.”


“...Very well, Mr. Bennett, I‘d like you to show me your amazing ability of seeing someone through. I don‘t want you to read their thoughts and know what their heart is like, though; I just want you to tell me whether or not they have a disease and what that disease is.”


Rubbing his hands together without losing control of the wheel, and smiling like a mischievous little boy, Robinson said, “I see that you‘re in the mood for a little non-sexual experiment. Let‘s get on it. I can‘t brag about my ‗extraordinary abilities‘ without proving that I have them. I‘m going to record this with my video mobile phone. I‘m going to park right in front of my next-door neighbor‘s house. Kay, you‘re a very attractive woman. I‘m certain that you‘ll literally blow him away once that he sees you.”


“If I don‘t want to have sex with you before we get married, I much less want to have sex with him. I just thought you should know.”


“I know that you don‘t want to have sex with me or with him, but I want you to pretend that you want to have sex with him right away, and that I‘m just a friend.”


“Let me guess. You‘re going to show this video to Rob so that he will enroll me in the Robert B. M. Bennett School of the Arts.”


“You guessed right.”


“Oh, my God, are you putting my talent as an actress to the test?” “Yes, madam…”