From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“Before I tell you when we‘re getting married, I need to know why you‘ve chosen me, Robinson.”


“I‘ve chosen you for three reasons: because you‘re the most beautiful woman I‘ve ever seen despite your physical disability, because you‘re a Christian and a true Christian would never abort an unwanted baby…”


Kay interrupted him and said, “Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait… are you saying that you‘ve impregnated woman and they‘ve aborted every single one of your offspring?”


“Yes, Kayla Michelle, unfortunately, that‘s exactly what I‘m saying. I am the only specimen of my kind that has not been able to bear children successfully. Yes, I‘ve reproduced, but none of those babies have been born.”


Horrified, Kay asked, “Why?”


“As soon as my mates noticed anomalies in their babies in the ultrasound, they decided to put an end to their pregnancy.”


“...Oh, my God, tell me, how many women have aborted your babies?”


“You‘d think that these women are too many to count, but the fact is that I‘ve only reproduced with five women of all of the women that I‘ve mated with.”


“Five women you said?”

“Yes, five women.”


Immediately, a crazy idea came into Kay‘s complicated but intelligent mind, an idea that would turn into a plan that she would eventually, but soon, elaborate. “Are there any women in your species?”


Surprised with the question, Robinson answered, “Certainly.” They were only five blocks from Robinson‘s house right now. “But there are only three of them left.”


“Only three of them?” said Kay. “Who are they?”


“They‘re all in my family. The first one is my mother, the second one is my sister, and the third one is my niece. Because these women are family, we can‘t even think about mating and trying to reproduce with them, because although we have absolutely no morals and values, incest would make us bear monsters instead of children.”


“There‘s no offense intended, but I thought you were already monsters.” “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” he replied.


She felt like human excrement. “I reiterate,” she said, crying, “I didn‘t mean to hurt you.” “You didn‘t. I knew exactly what you meant. It‘s worse to be a monster on the inside


than it is to be a monster on the outside, because the monsters within are obviously the monsters that no human eye can see; the monsters capable of destroying everyone and everything that gets in their path.”


“That‘s true.”


“Do you want me to morph right here in front of you for you to see what I‘m really like on the inside?”


“I‘m sorry to answer a question with another question, but, will this cause me to have nightmares tonight?”


“You don‘t have to apologize for that. On the contrary, I thank you for asking. I promise this won‘t cause you nightmares; tonight or ever.” He morphed in front of her. The only physical difference that he had with a human being was that his skin was golden beyond the imagination, his eyes were yellow, and they were shaped like cat‘s eyes. The differences beyond the physical realm were unimaginable, however. Contrary to what they thought, these new beings were