From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Chapter 13


Constantine‘s friends refused to help him with his evil plot, so he had to do it all by himself. He understood that they didn‘t want to be involved in torturing somebody else. If he were in his shoes he‘d do the same thing, but that didn‘t ruin his plans. He had the guts to go to the Bennett Castle to get what he thought was meant to be his. He didn‘t count on the fact that Kay had received her twin sister, whose existence she‘d always known about, even though no one had ever told her about Kim, and now, the two sisters were protective of each other. It was one o‘clock in the morning, and everyone was home, some people sleeping, like Robinson and Kay, some people watching TV, like the Brady twins, and some people surfing the Internet, like Pablo. Pablo was shopping for things he needed online that would be too expensive at local stores, but he was about to go to sleep, too. Kim knew that a maniac was after her sister, and she had a plan to get him off her back so Kay could continue to live her life.


Contrary to Kay, Kim wasn‘t Christian. She believed in God and she knew what was right and what was wrong, but she didn‘t always do the right thing. Kay and Kim were identical, but when it came to their personalities, their ideals and their beliefs, they were night and day. Kim was more open-minded and she didn‘t beat herself up every time she made a mistake. Of course, Kim would never hurt anyone on purpose, either with her words or her actions, and of course, she had never committed a crime, but while Kay rarely spoke her mind about things, careful not to offend people, Kim was very outspoken, and when she had something in her mind, she would let people know. Kim was very intelligent. She knew how to tell people how she felt with all honesty, but without hurting their feelings. Kim was still up, watching a block of music videos on TV made for insomniacs. For some reason, she couldn‘t sleep tonight. Kay had to help her unpack and organize her clothes and her shoes in her closet. Kay and Robinson gave Kim one of their most beautiful and luxurious guest bedrooms. It was complete with a brand-new laptop computer on a beautiful cherry-colored wooden computer desk, and a TV with a digital video recorder, along with a beautiful queen-sized bed and a huge walk-in closet. It had a bathroom inside of it, too. It was painted Kim‘s favorite color, like this room was made just for her. The room had a vanity, a nightstand and a chest, but there was still plenty of space to walk around without bumping or having to squeeze through anything. Constantine rang the bell. He was planning to take Kay with him by invalidating her with a powerful somniferous like his buddies had done to Carlos.


Kim walked out of the closest living room to the entrance of the house and continued to walk until she got to the front door of the house. She unlocked and opened the door. Kay was still asleep, but Robinson knew that someone was here, and since he was awake ever since Constantine‘s car parked in front of the gate and he distracted the guards to be able to get in, he got out of bed and then out of his room to know what was going on. Robinson would always sleep in his pajamas, and he was ready to get out of bed at any moment if he had to. He would only get dressed if he had to go out at night, something that seldom happened. Constantine was stunned when he saw Kim. Kim was dressed in pajamas, her body completely covered up except for her neck, and her upper chest because her top had long sleeves. Back at home, she would usually go to sleep in a negligee, but from now on, she would go to sleep dressed like this out of respect for her brother-in-law, which was like a brother to her. Constantine didn‘t know what to say. He knew that this wasn‘t Kay, but her twin, and he liked what he saw. She couldn‘t be more different from Kay. Perhaps the sensual and captivating Kim would give him a chance.