From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Robinson watched what was happening from a corner far away from where Constantine and Kim stood. This castle was beyond colossal. The Everlasting Love castles were among the largest estates in the world.


“You‘re Constantine Everhart, aren‘t you?”

“Yes, I am. Kay told you about me, didn‘t she?”


“Yes, she did. We started conversing the minute I got here, and she couldn‘t help talking about you. Nothing she had to say about you was good, though, so don‘t get the wrong idea.”


The way Constantine felt about this situation changed from the moment he first looked Kim in the eyes. He saw the error of his ways, finally. He wanted a woman this beautiful, but in order to get her, he would have to change. He realized that Kim was better for him than Kay was. They had a lot in common and were just as open-minded. They could do many things together, maybe even get married and have children. Constantine was meant to be with Starr, but he blew that by insisting on harassing Kay, and now another man was enamoring Starr. This man was normal, and he‘d been single for over a year. The moment Starr saw this man she fell out of love with Constantine. She noticed how different Constantine and Andrew were. Andrew would never hurt her in anyway, not even without intention, and he would never cheat on her. Andrew was human, but he was monogamous. He never cheated on any of his four ex girlfriends. It was too soon for Andrew and Starr to start living together, but for now, they were going out and getting to know each other, and so far, they liked what they discovered. “I‘m sorry for everything I did to Kay.”


“You‘re sorry.”


“Yes, I am. I terrorized her. She didn‘t deserve that. I realize that instead of pursuing another man‘s wife, girlfriend, or lover, I should just find a woman of my own.”



“I don‘t know what I was thinking.”


“That‘s just it, Constantine. You weren‘t thinking. You have unresolved issues. You have a very obsessive personality. That is something you have to work on. It‘s going to be better if you get help.”


“I can‘t come in because this is Robinson Bennett‘s castle and I…”


“Then we‘ll go outside.” Kim walked out of the house and closed the door behind her. Robinson walked until he got to the main living room and sat on the sofa, pretending

nothing was happening.


Kim and Constantine went all the way to Constantine‘s car. They got in, Constantine in the driver‘s seat and Kim in the passenger‘s seat. “I‘m sorry; I just can‘t be on Robinson‘s grounds. I feel so ashamed. I‘d rather be in my car.”


“It‘s fine. I‘m listening.”


“You‘re right. I do have issues, serious ones. I am going to tell you everything because I need someone to hear me out and you‘re the only one that‘s willing to listen.”


She stayed silent.


“I was planning to kidnap your sister. As a matter of fact, that‘s why I came here.” “You were going to kidnap my sister tonight, right now, but then I appeared seemingly

out of nowhere and ruined everything.”

“Yes, and I thank you for that.”


“I was going to do a terrible thing…what‘s your name?”