From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“Don‘t think that way about everybody. Not everyone has dangerous intentions with innocent people, you know? He was probably just taking a shower.”


“I‘m scared. What if he finds out that all of this was a prank and decides to take reprisal against me by raping me?”


“Heber‘s not like that. He doesn‘t have an STD because he‘s a bad person. He has it because the last woman he had sex with got him drunk and then had unprotected sex with him.”


“Oh, my God, he was raped?”


Heber crossed his arms across his chest and waited for Kay and Rob‘s conversation to end before having them put their windows down and starting to talk to them.


“You can say that, but since it was a woman that did this, and since it wasn‘t violent, it‘s not considered rape.”


“Oh, my God, it makes me want to throw up every time that a liberal woman complains about the double standard that society has when it comes to men and women‘s sexuality.”


“I think that those women want to turn Planet Earth into a very sick, disgusting and uninhabitable planet.”


“Does that make you and your family wants to leave?”


“Sometimes it does. Sometimes it makes Mom want to go out and kill them all before they make the planet become so infested with STD‘s that a foreigner could become infected just by walking on this ground!”


“Oh, Lord…!”

Rob finally put the window down.


Kay thought; don’t worry about that, Rob. We won’t let that happen. She referred to all spiritual Christians.


“Hey,” Heber said, smiling. “How is it going?”


“It‘s going so well for me that I actually made a new girl friend.” “I thought that you had a swarm of girl friends, Robinson.” “So did me until I met Ms. Kayla Brown.”


Heber walked around the bumper to go to the passenger seat of the car. Kayla put her window down and without opening the door, she and Heber shook hands. “It‘s an honor to meet you, Ms. Brown.”


“...Likewise, Mr. Brady…”

“I told her your name was Heber Brady before I introduced the two of you.”


“Oh,” said Heber and laughed, “OK. Hey, Rob, would you invite me to your house for a few minutes?”


“Not for a few minutes, but forever, if you asked me to,” replied Robinson. “What is it that you want to talk to me about?”


“I got the name of the woman that gave me the HPV.”


Outraged, Kay screamed, “The HPV? What in the…?” Rob gently covered her mouth with his hand to keep her from disturbing the peace and getting reported for it.


“Yes, Kayla, the HPV… I got it three months ago, when she raped me, and I know that this is what she gave me because before I had sex with her, I was so fertile that I impregnated three of my former sex partners, and every time that I had sex, even if it was with the same partner, I got to the point where I had to use protection just to avoid unwanted pregnancy.”

“…And now that you‘re ready to settle down and have children, you can‘t,” said Kay.