From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“You‘re not going anywhere.”


“Says who? What are you going to do to stop me, kill me? That‘s the only way you can stop me, just so you know.”


“Michelle, don‘t be like this, please. Let‘s work this out.”


“I am tired of working things out, Cameron. It‘s not just the cheating, it‘s the verbal abuse, it‘s making me look like a piece of shit in front of your friends…it‘s everything! I forgive you, but I can‘t stay with you. I just can‘t. This is too much. You cheated on me with my cousin, really? We‘re like sisters, and you‘re not tearing us apart. You were way out of line when you tried to keep it all in the family.”


“Michelle, she seduced me!”


“It doesn‘t matter who seduced whom. Get out of my way, Cameron! If that is true and you were a real man, you would‘ve said no. Vieira can take no for an answer when she‘s denied something or rejected more than twice. Trust me; I‘ve known her all my life. I‘ve denied her things and after being told no once, she no longer asks for it, or begs for it.”


“Michelle, I repeat, you‘re not going anywhere. You are not leaving me.”


“Watch me.” She pushed him as hard as he could until he bumped his head against the edge of the doorway of the bedroom that was right in front of their bedroom, the bedroom Vieira stayed in countless times…before her relationship with Cameron started. After that, she picked up her suitcases and her laptop bag, carried everything with two hands, walked over him, and left. He didn‘t have the strength to go after her. She placed on the floor the things that occupied her right hand just to open the door. Then, she picked up those suitcases and walked out the door without closing the door behind her. She went to her minivan and placed her suitcases on the back. The minivan was hers. She bought it six months before marrying Cameron, with her own money, paying it off all at once, no monthly payments, so in the event of a divorce, Cameron had no right to this minivan. However, if she divorced him for adultery and could prove the adultery, leaving no doubt, she would get the whole house and half of everything he owned. That was stipulated in the prenuptial agreement, and the ironic thing was that Cameron had written up that prenuptial agreement six years before with the help of his attorney. Of course, the victim of the adultery would get full custody of the children, too, and the children were at school right now, but they were ready to be picked up because the school day was over.


Now that she was physically separated from Cameron, two hours later, at Jocelyn‘s house, she and her children made themselves comfortable. Jocelyn‘s children‘s rooms were huge, big enough to accommodate their cousins. Jocelyn was lucky that she had extra beds in a storage unit a half an hour from her home, and she‘d already gotten help from her brother, Marlon Smiley, getting the extra beds out of the storage and placing them in her children‘s three rooms. Michelle and Cameron also had three children. Each one of the beds was full size, and still, they fit in the rooms, along with the TVs and the video games, no problem at all. Jocelyn‘s house was huge. Michelle couldn‘t explain to her children, Cameron, Jr., nicknamed Cam, age six, Marlene, age four, and Cliff, age three why she and their daddy couldn‘t be together. She just told them that they were having problems and that they were hoping to work them out soon, but only a miracle could reunite them because she was very angry with him. She told them not to ask what happened or to ask for more explanations because they were way too young to understand what was going on, but promised to tell them one day so that they wouldn‘t think that she left him for no reason.