From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Cam and his cousin Justin were playing video games together. Michelle and Cameron‘s children weren‘t sad that their parents were apart because they‘d heard all the screams, fights and degrading insults that Cameron gave their mother when she did something that he didn‘t agree with, or when she didn‘t do something that he wanted her to. Cameron and Michelle were immensely happy for the first five years of her marriage. Ever since his affair with Vieira started, he started treating Michelle like trash. Every day he would tell her how fat she was, when she was only ten pounds overweight. According to him, she never looked good. She never did anything right. She annoyed him. He didn‘t give her any affection, just sex, and the sex was emotionless, like he was having sex with a total stranger or a hooker. Fortunately, he never raped her. When she would say no, he would get uncontrollably angry, but he would leave her alone and then leave the house. Then, he would go to Vieira‘s house and get from her what he wanted. Justin didn‘t dare to talk to Cam about what happened because he didn‘t want to upset him. A few minutes later, they turned off the video games and started doing their homework. They didn‘t have much homework to do and it was a piece of cake for them, but they wanted to get it out of the way.


Cameron was talking to his mother, Kiara on the phone. “You should‘ve seen her. It was like she had supernatural strength. She pushed me against the wall right across my room and I hit my head with the edge of the doorframe. I thought she broke my skull. It hurts.”


Kiara didn‘t side with Cameron on this one. She was his mother, but she‘d also taught him how to treat his woman since he was just a little child. Cameron‘s father, Carl, put Kiara through hell during the last few years of their marriage, also. She was disappointed in her son. When he told her about his relationship with Vieira, it brought back horrible memories for her. “What did you want her to do? She wanted to leave and you got in her way.”


“I can‘t believe you‘re telling me this, Mother!”


“If I were she I would‘ve left you, too! Don‘t you remember everything your father put me through?”


“Yes, but…”


“This is unbelievable. History repeats itself. Infidelity, abuse, degradation…” “I didn‘t degrade her, Mother!”


“Yes, you did, by talking shit about her to your friends, right in front of her just to piss her off!”


“So you‘re taking her side.”


“Yes, Cameron, I am. Do you know why? It‘s because we‘re both victims. I was a victim of your father and now she‘s your victim.”


“I think you‘re exaggerating, Mother. Every man cheats, and nowadays, every woman cheats, too!”


“You‘re wrong, Cameron. Not everyone cheats, especially with their mates‘ family members!”


“I know what I did was wrong, Mom, but I want her to give me another chance. Someone once told me that marriage is forever, and what about the vows I made? In good times and in bad, for richer or poorer…”


“I don‘t know, son. I guess it all depends on her. It‘s her choice because you‘re the one that cheated. I know you love her, I really do, but you know her as much as you love her, and if you mess with her family, you better run. If it had been with someone she didn‘t know or