From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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someone she wasn‘t related to, she would forgive you and she wouldn‘t even have left the house, but son…”


“I know. You‘re right. You‘re absolutely right. If my lover hadn‘t been related to her, but Mom, I…” he started crying.


Kiara wanted to go to his house and comfort him so bad. The bell rang and Cameron had to say goodbye to his mother to answer the door.


Stephen clearly said that he didn‘t want Cameron to have to pay for what he did, as long as he got his job back and Cameron learned his lesson and didn‘t mess with him ever again, and he said it in front of an Emadorian. Cameron had learned his lesson, and with every tear he cried, he couldn‘t stop thinking of Stephen. As he walked to the door, he thought, this mess with Vieira started the moment that I felt envious of Stephen’s promotion and came up with a plan to get him fired, one year ago. I’m paying for everything I’ve done, for my envy for Stephen…everything. I deserve this. I deserve to suffer. I deserve to lose the love of my life. He was shocked to open the door and see Carlos standing there. “Hello, Carlos.” He smiled but it was more than obvious that he was crying.


“You‘re wrong, Cameron,” said Carlos, coming in.

Cameron closed the door behind him. “What are you talking about?”


“You learned your lesson and you‘re very sorry about what you did, but you don‘t deserve to lose Michelle. Stephen got his job back. Mr. Hill told him to go to work tomorrow morning.”




“Stephen doesn‘t want you to suffer. Getting back his job and paying his bills, and having food on the table, that‘s all he cares about. He‘s not thinking about you right now, at least not with rancor in his heart. We‘ve been friends for a long time, and I don‘t want to see you suffer.”

“Are you going to talk to her and convince her to give me another chance?”


“I don‘t have to try very hard to convince someone to do something. You know that, don‘t you?”


“Yes, I know.”


“However, I‘m going to do something much better than that. I have never done this before. I have never altered reality, but I think it‘s the best thing I can do for all of us. Since this is the first time, there‘s only one tragic event that I dare to erase, to undo, to make as if it never had happened, and that‘s your affair with Vieira. From this moment on, your life will be as if you‘d never even touched her. It never happened. Your family‘s here with you, just like it‘s supposed to be.” Carlos sat in the sofa and made him comfortable.


Suddenly, Cameron heard his children playing together in the family room, far away from the entrance and looked back. He walked the whole house until he got to the family room. Michelle was watching her children play. “Guys, you only have a few more minutes, and then you have to brush your teeth and go to bed. It‘s nine o‘clock, half an hour past your bedtime.”


Cameron looked at Michelle in a strange way, like he couldn‘t believe what was happening, but soon enough, his new reality and the reality of those that were affected by his grave sin, began to dawn on him and make sense. It was normal to him now and he could live with it without asking any questions or having to understand what had just happened.


Cameron went to the living room. He saw Carlos sitting on the sofa, watching the rerun of a daytime soap opera on TV because it was what Cameron had on. However, this was the only soap opera that Cameron liked. He also liked movies, although not enough to order any on pay-