From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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have to miss work for the next few weeks, and I have got dates scheduled with my customers. I have to fix twenty computers, man, and I do it at people‘s homes.”


“I didn‘t say anything about this to Michelle, Carlos.” “What are you talking about?”


“…Surprise! I am not letting you borrow my car. I‘m going to buy you a car, and no, you don‘t have to pay me back.”


“I could make great monthly payments, up to two thousand dollars and pay it off in no time. I just want a good car, no more than fifteen thousand dollars. I don‘t need a luxury car to take me places. I just don‘t have the money to pay the car in its entirety, and I don‘t want to have to lease it because something could happen, I could run out of money, and then they could take the car away from me. I don‘t want to take that risk.”


“Forget about the two grand every month. I am giving you the money. Understand? It‘s a gift. My fortune is estimated at over ten million dollars, amigo. I don‘t need the money back, especially not from you. You know I‘d do anything for you.”


“Thank you so much, man,” said Carlos. They hugged again. Carlos couldn‘t believe just how far Cameron would go for him.


“You said no more than fifteen thousand dollars, right?” “…Right.”


“Well, I‘m willing to spend a maximum of thirty thousand dollars on a car for you.” Stunned, Carlos asked, “Thirty thousand dollars?”


“Yes, you heard right. You are not going to have to miss work for the next two weeks, but rather for only one day, because when I come home from work, we‘re going to go straight to the dealership and get you the car that you want. Oh, wait a minute; you‘re not going to have to miss any days of work at all. My brother Chad doesn‘t start work till noon tomorrow. He can take you to the house of your first customer. How many customers do you visit every day? Give me an approximate amount.”


“Like six. I work all day long.”


“That‘s good. I‘m going to call Chad and see if he can take you to the house of your first customer tomorrow.”




“Wait right here. I‘m going to call him now. I know you could literally walk up to fifty thousand miles and nothing would happen. You wouldn‘t get tired at all or suffer any health problems as a result. Still, I am going to drive you home.” Cameron went back to his bedroom to call Chad.


Michelle went out to the living room. “Would you like anything to eat or drink? We have snacks.”


“No, Shelly, that‘s all right,” Carlos said, smiling.


“Oh, come on, don‘t be like that. Don‘t you want coffee, juice, milk, water, or a little sandwich?”


“Ok, if you insist, I‘d like some juice, please, any flavor.”


“We only buy one-hundred-percent natural juices, so it‘s going to be good for you.” “I prefer all-natural juices, too. My favorite is orange juice.”


“What do you know? We happen to have some orange juice. I‘ll be right back.” She went to the kitchen.