From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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That night, Carlos had his glass of juice and Cameron took him back home. The next day, Carlos took care of all the appointments he had with his customers, and from then on, their computers were perfect, like new, and they wouldn‘t have problems ever again. If their owners bought new computers, it would only be because they wanted a new computer or needed an upgrade. Then, that afternoon, when Cameron returned home from work around four o‘clock, he took another shower, changed his clothes, and went to Carlos‘ house to pick him up. Minutes later, Carlos and Cameron arrived at a dealership. Carlos looked at all five thousand cars that this dealership had, and decided on a car that he could count on for the next twenty years, at least, a car of one of the top ten brands in the world, of the color sapphire-blue, with the coolest features a car could offer, all for twenty-eight thousand dollars. Carlos would‘ve went for a more economical car, about thirteen to fifteen thousand dollars less than this one, but Cameron assured him it was ok, that he could get the car he wanted, even if it was more than thirty thousand dollars, but Carlos thought of thirty grand as the limit, and he would not exceed that for anything in this world. He had never taken advantage of anyone, and he would never do that with one of his best friends. Carlos was still living at his parents‘ house. Although he was no longer in danger, and his only enemies in the whole world became his friends, days before, Carlos‘ parents and brothers did not want to let him go, which meant that in order to live in his own house, Carlos would have to sell his house and buy another house in the same neighborhood as his parents. Carlos‘ house wasn‘t new. In fact it was twenty years old, and since the moment he bought it, it needed improvements, which although few, were noticeable, home improvements that Carlos didn‘t have the money to make. Carlos used to live alone, so his house had only two rooms, one bathroom, a dining room, a living room, a kitchen, a small laundry room and a one-car garage. He bought it three years before, and of course, the house owed a lot of money. It cost him $110,000 at the time he bought it. If Carlos were to sell the house, he would be left with very little money, not enough to buy another house, only fifty thousand dollars, because the house was worth $160,000 right now. Carlos knew it was best to stay with his parents for now, while he got enough money to make a down payment on a nicer, more comfortable house. However, Robinson and Cameron had big plans for Carlos. They were two friends of Carlos‘ that didn‘t know one another in person, yet, but that loved him just as much. Carlos had only been working as a computer technician for a year and a half because a year and a half ago, he graduated from the university. In a year and a half, he hadn‘t reunited enough money to buy another house, not even to unite it with the money he would get if he were to sell his house. All that money went to bills, food, clothes, and his mortgage payment. Carlos only had one credit card, but he wouldn‘t use it for everything, only to buy very expensive things, like airline tickets or furniture for his house, and every month, he would make those payments to the tee and on time. Carlos had a credit score of 721. He and Starr were in the same college, and they knew each other pretty well, and were very good friends.


At this moment, Robinson designated one hundred thousand dollars to give to Carlos to buy a house. He was worried about what would happen next, but he loved Carlos so much that he had to help him out somehow. He knew that there was another dear friend, Cameron, who was willing to give Carlos enough money to buy a more comfortable house, and when those sums of money got together, it wouldn‘t be enough for a luxurious house, but the new house would suit all of his needs and it would be big, nice-looking, and it would have all the space he needed. Every room would be huge. Robinson had no idea that at this moment, Bennett Records and Bennett Films, the latter of which Robinson still owned fifteen percent of the shares because