From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Chapter 3



“Does it?” Haggai said.


“I feel great. My self-esteem is at an all-time-high, I feel clean, and I‘m not self-conscious of anything… I feel like I can take on anything.”


“That‘s exactly what I wanted for you, but dear brother, you wouldn‘t listen.”


“That‘s OK,” said Heber, “it‘s all over. Hey, what do you say you stay at my house all the while you spend here in the Sunshine State?”


“That‘s just what I was thinking, brother, that I could spend the next three months in your house.”


“The next three months?” Heber said, amazed. “What are you planning to do, installing a Brady Dairy premise here in Florida?”


“Yes, in fifty-five different locations. I was thinking that perhaps you could help me and be the head of the enterprise down here.”


Heber could not believe his ears. “Are you serious, Haggai?”


“As serious as I is when I say that Brady Dairy Product fans can‘t wait until the enterprise has an establishment in Florida. I‘m at the top of the world, Heber. So close to world domination.”


“No, man, that‘s not world domination. World domination is conceiving a thousand babies in one day.”


Haggai listened attentively. “…Interesting…”


“You don‘t need to sleep with one thousand women and impregnate them in order to achieve that. All that you need is one woman with which you can conceive one thousand babies at one time.”


Haggai gasped. “…Really? And where do you suppose that I could find her?”

“Go back underground.”



“There are plenty of women down there that could give you the pleasure of fabulous sex and the immense joy of reproduction, all at the same time.”


“I thought that the only women like us were the Brady and the Bennett women. I could never mate with Robinson Bennett‘s mother.”


“You don‘t have to mate with Bennett‘s mother! Trust me; there are plenty of she-creatures down there! All that you have to do is choose one and get it on with her.”


“You invite me underground? Let‘s go underground! Come on! Don‘t worry about Anna Maria. She will stay with the kids.”


“Don‘t worry about them. They can‘t go down under anyway. They‘d literally fry, and we certainly don‘t want them to do that.”


“No,” said Heber, “we don‘t. All right, let‘s go. Do we have to dig in a specific location or can we just sink and go farther and farther down until we get to where we want to go?” Heber had never gone down there before.


“No, we don‘t have to dig. All that we have to do is get back to the sand, outside the road, on the sidewalk, on some yard, and give three hard jumps. After we jump three times, we literally sink.”

