From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“Yes! It‘s like a giant gorilla!”

Heber laughed. “OK, let‘s waste no more time. Let‘s go.”


Haggai and Heber stood in a young woman‘s yard. The ground felt soft and very penetrable. A few minutes later, they proceeded to jump. They gave three hard jumps that caused great tremors. It felt like an earthquake was shattering the entire city into a million and one different pieces. The lady and her kids, they were so frightened that they literally froze. They didn‘t dare to do anything about it. They felt that if they were to get out of the house, the ground would swallow them whole. Unbelievably, nothing happened to any structure of the city. Houses and buildings were completely intact.


Meanwhile, the Brady twins started exploring the ground down below, digging and digging horizontally with their arms and legs. They dug and dug and dug until they were fifty-five miles from the location from where they started. Suddenly, five beautiful, but very abnormal and strange-looking women approached them. The first one visualized Heber with his wife and knew he was married. She totally lost interest in him. These women they didn‘t like married men, and the men also preferred single women—ladies that didn‘t even have boyfriends or casual lovers. She stepped away and left the other women alone with Haggai.


The woman and Haggai kissed. Rather than having sex with her, he just implanted his semen directly into the section of her body that her egg was closest to. This woman was a virgin and he didn‘t want to corrupt her. He wouldn‘t have sex with her unless they got married—and they wouldn‘t. Another man was waiting to take that same woman to the altar—a human man. Human men were crazy about those women, and they wanted to meet them so badly that ten thousand of them had already fried alive underground.


The woman got pregnant instantly. Her belly grew and grew until it looked like a nine-month-pregnant belly in only ten minutes. The woman lied down delicately and slowly, spread her legs open, and with one big push, she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. It was ten pounds and nine ounces; absolutely stunning. He inherited his father‘s and his uncle‘s beautiful aquamarine blue eyes.


The woman smiled. “Like your new baby?”

“I love him,” said Haggai, “he‘s beautiful.”

“Do you want me to give your brother a baby, too?”


“I don‘t know if he wants a baby right now.” He turned to Heber and asked, “Want to have a baby with her, Heber?”


“Hmm,” said Heber, “I want to see if there‘s a way that this woman could impregnate my wife by giving us our own baby. I don‘t think Anna Maria would support anything being injected in her.”


“She hates needles, doesn‘t she?” said the woman.

“She cries at the sight of a needle.”


“Oh, OK. Where‘s your wife? I‘m going to approach her, look her in the eyes for a few minutes, and when I leave, she‘s going to be very pregnant. She‘s going to give birth right where she is.”


Heber laughed and said, “I like that.” As Haggai carried his new baby in his arms, they parted from the scene. “We‘ll see you later.” He didn‘t know the woman‘s name. “We‘ll keep in touch.”