From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Dawn walked up to her parents, and as she stood right in the middle of the living room, she commented, “So, you wouldn‘t sell your little girl to Haggai Brady, knowing that he‘s one of the most powerful men in the whole world.”


Drew and Jessica stared at Dawn wide-eyed and open-mouthed in their outrage to her comment.


“I can‘t believe that you just said that,” Rebecca said to Dawn.

“Are you out of your mind, Dawn?” Drew yelled. “What‘s wrong with you?”


Rebecca got up from her love seat and sped back to her bedroom and Dawn grabbed her arm to get her to turn around and look back at her. Rebecca screamed, “Don‘t touch me!” and punched her out, knocking her down on the floor. “Do you think that Mom, Dad and I are like you? You‘ve always dreamed of marrying a multimillionaire, so that you could have anything and everything that you could possibly ask for! That‘s not I!”


Dawn slowly got up and said to Rebecca, looking her in the eyes with all of her passionate hate, “You‘ll regret hitting me, I swear it!”


Rebecca ignored Dawn‘s threat and said, “You know I was never interested in Haggai Brady. He was the last thing on my mind until now. My love for him was sudden and I started feeling it before I even had a chance to breathe!”


“You‘re a liar, you know that?” said Dawn, humiliating Rebecca. “No one could possibly love someone before meeting them.”


“Oh, you‘re just saying that because you haven‘t been in love, ever in your life!” “Do I have to be in love?”


“Woman, forget about it! I am not going to argue with you!”


Dawn went after Rebecca as Rebecca went to her room, but Rebecca shut the door on her face and picked up the phone to call Haggai.


Haggai was in his office, picking up someone‘s formal complaint about one of his groceries, from his desk. The phone rang. Rebecca had no idea how she had dialed Haggai‘s office number, but she did, even though he never gave it to her. “Hello, Brady Foods, this is Haggai Brady. How may I help you?”


Panting heavily, Rebecca said, “Haggai, I need some advice. I would just leave my house but I can‘t because I‘m not eighteen yet and I…” she said out of breath. “I can‘t take it anymore. My sister…”


“Your sister is making your life a living hell.”

“Yes, how did you know?”


“She‘s the only reason why you want to leave, because your parents are very good to you and they would never do anything to push you away.”


“How do you know that?”


“I know you, Rebecca. The only thing I didn‘t know about you before I met you was your




“How is that possible?” she smiled. “Oh, you‘re just saying that to enamor me,” she said, angrily, “and guess what….! It‘s working,” she said, smiling again.


Haggai laughed. “That‘s why I love you so much, because you‘re so sweet. I don‘t know if you know this, but within you, you have all the power to do what you want and get what you want. You have to use the power you have to completely shut out Dawn, completely ignore her, no matter what she says or does.”


“…Really? How do I do that, Haggai?”