From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“All you have to do is just start to ignore her. If you ignore something, within the next minute, if you put all your effort to it, it‘s literally going to be like it‘s not even there. Just pretend that she doesn‘t exist, and in the end, she will give up the crap and leave you alone. Hell, if she feels like she doesn‘t exist, she will even leave the house.”


“Are you serious?”


“As serious as I is when I say my name‘s Haggai Brady. Try it. I have to go, but if you need anything call me at my cell phone.” He dictated his cell phone to Rebecca and Rebecca wrote it on her little address book along with his work number and his home number, and his email address.


“Thank you,” said Rebecca. “I have to go, too. I have to make her leave,” Rebecca said and hung up.


Dawn went to Rebecca‘s room to get on her nerves again. She was trying to get Rebecca in trouble with her parents so that Jessica and Drew would ground Rebecca. “You don‘t throw the door on my face like that,” she said.


“Are you threatening me?” Rebecca said, falling into Dawn‘s trap, but suddenly, she remembered Haggai‘s words. Ignore her completely. Pretend that she’s not there. Pretend that she doesn’t exist, and she will leave. Rebecca took Haggai‘s words to heart, kept her mouth shut, and started organizing everything in her computer desk, just to do something that would take Dawn off her mind.


Dawn insisted in bothering her. “Rebecca, I am not threatening you. I‘m just saying… you need help, you know that?”


Rebecca said not one word.

“You are crazy.”

Rebecca still didn‘t respond.


“Are you there?” Dawn said, swaying her hand in front of Rebecca‘s face in the air, to get her attention. “Are you listening to me?” She yelled in Rebecca‘s ear. “Did you hear me? You are crazy!”


Rebecca still said nothing.


“Oh, my God,” said Dawn. “I think Rebecca literally went crazy, and it‘s my entire fault. I never meant for this to happen. No.” Dawn got out of the room. She didn‘t want to tell her parents what had happened to Rebecca because she knew she‘d be the one to get in trouble, so Dawn went to her boyfriend Greg‘s house in her car.


Ten minutes later, Dawn arrived at Greg‘s house. She got out of the car, walked to the entrance, and rang the bell.


From the way that Dawn rang the bell, Greg knew that it was she, so he had just gotten out of the shower, and instead of putting some clothes on, he just wrapped a towel around his waist and went to the living room to open the door.


Greg had a nice body. Dawn gasped. “Oh, my God, is that you?” she had seen him naked many times before, but he didn‘t look this sexy before. She wanted to be with him because it was the only way that she could temporarily forget about what, according to her, had just happened to Rebecca. She was in the mood for some affection.


“Of course it‘s me,” said Greg. “Come on in.”


Dawn went in. She grabbed Greg, dragged him to his bedroom as she kissed him passionately, slammed the bedroom door, dragged him to the bed, yanked off his towel, threw him on the bed, and got on top of him. She couldn‘t stop kissing him. They were on his bed, in