From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“So Dad is divorcing Mom anyway.”


“Yes, Dawn, it was a divorce of mutual agreement. Jess and I think that there‘s no way we can save our marriage after everything that‘s happened, and we‘re moving on with our lives.”


Jess lip-synched, right in front of Dawn, “That‘s right, Dawn,” and Dawn had the talent of reading lips, so she got the message loud and clear although it was delivered silently.


Neither Rebecca nor Drew dared to tell Dawn that Drew was destined to marry another woman. They thought that Dawn would become angry and return to being the bitch that she was before. “That‘s, that‘s great, I guess…” said Dawn, shocked. “Well, now that you have a new home, we want to know if we can visit you.”


“Yes, you can visit us anytime,” said Rebecca.


“Would you like to spend time with your first grandson, Dad?” asked Dawn innocently. “Of course, I would love to spend time with you and my grandson, honey.” “How far along are you?”


“…Four months,” said Dawn.


“You‘re four months pregnant and you didn‘t find out ‗til today?” yelled Rebecca, outraged.


“Yes, that‘s right. You know that I‘m diabetic and I thought that my gain weight and my other symptoms were due to my diabetes. You know we think that we‘ve got it under control and suddenly we eat a little too much sugar and the next thing you know, you faint or you feel like you‘re dying and all. I‘ve been putting up with all this for four months until I couldn‘t stop fainting and throwing up. Right then, Greg suspected that there was something else going on with me, so we went to the doctor this morning. I had a pregnancy test done, and I had other tests done and it turns out that my condition is under control and that I‘m pregnant.”


I’m going to have to talk to Haggai to see if there’s a way that we can cure my sister’s diabetes because I don’t want the baby’s life to continue to be in danger. “That‘s great, Dawn.” Rebecca was nervous. “That‘s awesome.”


“Is something wrong, Becky?”

“No, nothing‘s wrong.”


“You sound happy, but at the same time, you sound worried.” “I‘m just worried about your diabetes and the baby, and…”


“Don‘t worry!” said Dawn. “I will take good care of me and my baby.” Dawn was smiling. “We‘ll be fine. I know we will.”


And I will make sure of it. “Ok, Dawn, we‘ve got to let you go because we‘re on our way to our new home, and we don‘t have a lot of stuff to unpack, but, you know, we have to buy all the furniture and all, and there‘s a lot of things that have to be done, so… yeah…”


“Ok, I will talk to you later,” said Dawn. “Bye.” She hung up.


A few minutes later, Drew and Rebecca arrived at their new home. They didn‘t know it, but contrary to what they thought, the house wasn‘t empty. In fact it was anything but empty. Something strange happened when Drew pressed the button to open the garage door. The garage was pitching black. They got out of the car, went in through the entrance and the house was also pitch black.


“What‘s going on?” said Drew as he explored the house. He bumped into a luxurious chair and knew he was in the dining room. It was now 5:00 PM, EST, but it was the summertime, so it was still sunny and bright outside, but the house was as dark as could be because all the blinds were shut. Drew kept bumping into furniture and said, “What in the world,