From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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this house is furnished?” He suddenly heard a little kid‘s laugh, but it was very faint, almost nonexistent, and for a moment Drew thought he was having auditory hallucinations, so he ignored it.


Suddenly, when Drew and Rebecca least expected it, all the lights of the house came on and a multitude of people yelled, “Surprise!” at the top of their lungs, and then clapped endlessly.


Drew and Rebecca were so shocked that they were openmouthed and their eyes were bulging out of their sockets. Usually, nothing would surprise them, but this totally blew them away. Haggai was the front man in this group, and the group consisted of family members and neighbors. There were a total of forty people in the house, but the house was so gigantic it could accommodate all of them with no problem at all. Haggai smiled brightly, holding both his hands in front of him, and he said, “Drew and Rebecca Riley welcome to your new home.”


Jessica, Dawn, Greg, and all of Rebecca and Dawn‘s uncles, aunts and cousins were there, including the always-beloved Aunt Marissa. Marissa‘s daughters: sixteen-year-old Marissa, twelve-year-old Desiree, and nine-year-old-Suzanne went up to their cousin Rebecca and gave her a big hug, and they did the same thing with Uncle Drew. Then, the Riley twins, Ricky and Ronald, followed suit. Next thing that everybody knew they were wrapped in a big family hug. Jessica‘s parents, Joanna and Myles, and Drew‘s parents, Darla and Drew, Sr. were also there. Jessica and Drew‘s younger siblings were there as well. Everyone was there, along with a few neighbors, Haggai and Heber Brady, Anna Maria Brady, and all the Brady children were there. Rosemary, a beautiful forty-year-old divorcee who still lived alone was also there. Rosemary‘s children, twenty-year-old Anne-Marie, eighteen-year-old Rosalinda and sixteen-year-old Mary-Ellen were in California with their father. Rosemary and her ex-husband, Michael, they loved each other, however, but only as friends, not as lovers. They divorced because Michael made a mistake and cheated on Rosemary with a coworker, and since Rosemary‘s parents always taught their daughter that the only justifiable reason for divorce was infidelity, she put an end to the marriage, but now, five years after getting divorced, they had no mates, and they realized that they belonged together, and after all this time, they loved each other as friends, but strangely, since the moment that the Brady twins moved into this friendly neighborhood, everything changed for the Sparks family and Rosemary and Michael‘s romantic and passionate love for one another was instantly rekindled.


The only reason why Rosemary and Michael weren‘t together was because, despite how much they yearned for one another, they were afraid of each other‘s reaction once they would be face to face. Anne Marie and Rosalinda were ready to move to Atlanta with their mother, just for a few months, while they each got their own houses. Mary Ellen was just there, waiting for her parents to reunite and remarry each other again. Ronald knew about all of this because from the very moment that he arrived at this house and met Rosemary, Rosemary told Ron and Ricky about her older daughters, and how much she would love for her daughters to marry such handsome and sweet studs like them. Ricky wasn‘t interested in getting matched with a girl right now because the wounds of a relationship gone wrong hadn‘t healed yet. Ricky‘s ex-girlfriend, Geri, she cheated on him with his best friend, Marlon. Ricky had been faithful to Geri since the moment their relationship started, when they were both seventeen years old, when their high-school senior year had just started. Therefore, Ricky just couldn‘t forgive Geri for what she had done. It was a mistake. Both Geri and Marlon were drunk up to their butts and they were so out of it they had no idea of what they were doing.