From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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The night that Geri and Marlon betrayed Ricky, they were so drunk and so sick they had to be taken to the hospital. This happened one year before. They exaggerated on the lovemaking so much that Marlon had a heart attack and died, right there on the bed they‘d made love, and Geri had severe damage in her private parts. It was as if she had had sex with several men at the same time, nonstop. Geri‘s private parts had to be reconstructed, but before the operation, during her ride to the hospital and when tests were being performed on her, she didn‘t feel any pain at all. It wasn‘t until three days after that she started to feel the pain. Ricky could‘ve taken that into consideration, the fact that they were drunk up to their eyeballs, forgiven Geri, and continued to live with her, and even had a child with her… however, the relationship couldn‘t continue to flourish because Geri told her boyfriend that she‘d always been in love with his best friend. There was always that sexual tension between Geri and Marlon. They‘d always wanted to make love, and that fateful night, the sex they had was just to get it out of their systems. It turned out that Geri had gotten Marlon drunk, and she had gotten drunk, as well, so that she could cheat on her boyfriend and get away with it. Nonetheless, Geri and Marlon got just a little too drunk, and they were literally out of control. Geri‘s plan had backfired. Not only had her relationship with Ricky Riley been doomed that night, but she‘d also been seriously hurt.


Physically, Geri was having a normal sex life, but psychologically, she was in very bad shape because every night, every single night, she would dream about being savagely raped by a man who was more than twice her size, like Marlon, but she couldn‘t see her tormentor‘s face. Right now, Geri had serious psychological problems. She had schizophrenia and she was bipolar. She was currently taking three medications, lots of milligrams of them, everyday to keep her under control because she just couldn‘t function without her medication. All that Geri wanted in life was either a millionaire husband, or a husband who had inherited a substantial fortune, enough for her to fulfill all her monetary desires. Marlon was the man that she really loved, but she wanted Ricky for his money. Marlon‘s death was what caused all of these mental disorders that she suffered from. It had destroyed Geri‘s life completely. It was hard for her to have a serious relationship because the men in her life just couldn‘t bear her constantly-changing moods and her physical and verbal abuse towards them. However, there was a third man who had always been desperately in love with Geri, and the only man in her life that hadn‘t even touched a strand of her hair, besides her father and her brothers.


This man was no other than Nathaniel Rivers, retired psychiatrist, who now had the liberty of using proven techniques of keeping a mentally-ill person under control, without prescribing her any medication of course. Nathaniel had retired from the medicine branch of psychiatry at forty, despite having been a psychiatrist for over fifteen years, because one of his patients had turned his world upside down, gotten him to suffer the most severe and shattering depression that a living thing could endure. Now, Nathaniel owned the most popular, expensive, and sophisticated jewelry store in the U. S. and he was making great money. Geri knew him, but she didn‘t know that he was in love with her. However, there was something about Nathaniel Rivers that made him stand out among other men. He was also superhuman. He was a lunar alien, waiting for his physically or mentally-imperfect human female mate so he could make her healthy and enjoy 800 years of life on earth with her. Therefore, while the Riley and Brady families were having fun with the Riley family and its new neighbors, Nathaniel was finally ready to make his move. Without a doubt, because of all of the superpowers that Nathaniel had, he would become the man of Geri‘s life. Nathaniel arrived at Geri‘s house with a small bouquet of red roses in his hand. He wanted to impress her, not to scare her by exaggerating with the