From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Norman‘s chest, “but that I know for sure. Someone who cares about you and proclaims to be your friend would never even advise you to break the law in any manner, do you understand me?”


Norman sent Imbruglia‘s message to his twin brother telepathically, and Marlon was listening to it in his mind, as if his companion were talking to him with his voice. He literally heard Norman‘s voice in his head, and he heard Imbruglia‘s voice talking to Norman. “Yes, madam, I understand.”


…Just when Officer Imbruglia was about to walk out of Geri‘s house, Norman said, “Wait…”


Imbruglia turned around with her hands on her hips and said, “Sir, don‘t worry, I am going to help your brother, ok?” She couldn‘t stop squinting because she couldn‘t stand the pain of looking him in the eyes.


Realizing that the light in his eyes was hurting her eyes, Norman dimmed the light of his eyes and made his eyes appear normal, like the eyes of a human being, but with a peculiar eye color. “I‘m sorry for causing your eyes to hurt.”


“It‘s ok. I could tell you didn‘t know you were hurting my eyesight.” “I just wanted to tell you… with all due respect…” “Tell me what?”


He let his head down and said, “I wanted to tell you that you‘re incredibly beautiful.”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

“I‘m sorry if I was disrespectful.”


“You weren‘t. If you had been I would‘ve arrested you for indecent conduct toward a police officer.”


Norman dared to hand Imbruglia his personal card. “Call me if there are any updates on my brother‘s criminal case.”


“I will, but it‘s not a criminal case until the state attorney says so. I am only human, but you can trust me when I say I‘ll help Marlon Smiley, your brother. I never make promises that I have the certainty that I can‘t keep.”


“Thanks,” he said, smiling.


“Thank you for taking all my preoccupations off my mind.” “You did the same for me, Officer Imbruglia.”


“That‘s good to know.” She finally left and went on to her next mission like the incident with Sandra had never happened.


Finally, Marlon and Officer Jenkins arrived at Sandra‘s house to intercede for Officer Imbruglia and try to justify her action. Officer Imbruglia was a little too tough to the criminals that she dealt with just because she was a woman, and she wouldn‘t let anyone walk all over her. When she was growing up, she was a victim of constant taunts and unjustified bullying just because of her incredible physical beauty. Other girls couldn‘t look like her no matter how hard they tried, so instead, they tormented her just to feel better about themselves. They would verbally and physically abuse her nonstop, to the point where she and her parents had to move here to Georgia, all the way from Montana, to protect their daughter from such cruel abuse. It got so out of hand that the cruel girls sent a young and tender Destiny Imbruglia to the hospital. The girls faced charges of aggravated assault and faced jail time, over eleven years to be exact. Now, those girls were working at Hooters because their criminal records prevented them from going to college and getting a good career. It was ironic because the girls were always accusing young