From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Destiny of flirting with all the boys and leading them on, when in reality, if a boy approached her with nefarious intentions, she would literally kick him in the groin and run away. Destiny never got in trouble for this because every time that a boy tried to take things too far, there would always be witnesses of the attack, sometimes multiple witnesses and sometimes just one witness. Nonetheless, one witness was more than enough for the members of the school administration to know that Destiny always acted in self defense. In addition to that, there would always be proof that Destiny‘s tormentor had touched her inappropriately or kissed her without her consent.


Now, Officer Destiny Imbruglia, who had become a policewoman to show her tormentors how tough she was, in reality she wasn‘t that tough. She may have been Hulk as a child, but as an adult, she was more delicate and vulnerable than ever. Officer Imbruglia had a friends-with-benefits-relationship with another policeman who moved to California, and then, she didn‘t have any more men. Casual or romantic, that was her only relationship. Because of her negative experiences with boys in her teenage years, she would never let a man get close to her. Any man that courted her, she would push him away, violently, literally. Officer Imbruglia had many horrible demons within her, figuratively. She had a lot of issues in her life that she didn‘t even try to solve because she thought that when she grew up, she would be this She-Ra woman able to solve her problems with her fists and her kicks, and that since she was a cop, she wouldn‘t get in trouble for it as long as she was defending herself. That wasn‘t true. She needed professional help. Otherwise, her romantic life would be anything but romantic. She didn‘t need a man now, and that‘s why she was pushing this gorgeous hunk away that she‘d just met. She didn‘t know it, but what she needed, was a shrink, urgently.


At the Costas house, everything was serene thanks to the presence of Officer Jenkins and Marlon. Marlon literally erased all the traumas that Sandra had in her life, literally curing all of her psychological disorders. Unbelievably, he didn‘t touch her brain or hypnotize her. All that he had to do was to get her alone in the back porch and talk to her about everything she had in her mind. In several hours, she unwittingly opened her heart up to him and told him things that she hadn‘t even told her parents. There was a lot of verbal abuse in her life, and although the abuse never turned physical, it scarred her deeply. Her late parents and her siblings would abuse her verbally all the time for the stupidest and most insignificant things. It got to the point where she had to be taken away from her parents and at fourteen, she wound up in a foster home. She was already schizophrenic.


What literally saved Sandra Costas‘ life, Costas being her husband‘s name, was the fact that contrary to her birth parents, her foster parents were very tender and loving to all the children that they were taking care of, so much so, that at eighteen, her foster parents, Patrick and Diamond Paisley, they didn‘t want her to move out of their house. Therefore, she continued to live in the Paisley home until she got married thirty years before, at age twenty-two. It was beneficial to the Paisley family the fact that Sandra stayed, because Sandra would help take care of their foster children. Sandra was big in the life of the Paisley family because she would babysit for the Paisleys‘ biological daughter, Diamond Cherie. Diamond had five children and Sandra would baby sit all of them. Every morning, Diamond would take her children to the Costas house and pick them up at exactly thirty minutes after three in the afternoon, at the time that she would return home from work. Then, when the children grew up and were of school age, the family needed more money, so Diamond and her husband, Christian, they got one more job, and started working sixteen out of the twenty four hours of the day and the children would be at