From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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was what computers would be like in 2009, but right now we were in July of 2007, which meant that Marlon Smiley had built that computer from scratch. He‘d built every single part; the hard drive, the DVD burner, the screen, the keyboard…everything. Marlon was not only a big-time computer CEO, but he was also a computer technician whom, in his spare time, would build computers from scratch for people that couldn‘t afford to go to the store and buy a computer. He would give these computers to these people. That‘s why people would call him day and night asking him for a computer and telling him exactly how they wanted it.


Since Marlon was anything but human, he could literally do several things at the same time: work full time at the office from nine to five, go home, take a shower, put on fresh clothes and build a computer for another customer, spend time with his baby twins, Marvin and Merlin, and comply with his husband duties; thus he was married to Geri. Geri was a completely healthy woman now, and she and Marlon lived happily in the same neighborhood as Sandra and Peter, her parents, and Maria and Scanlon, his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Smiley lived next door to them in the left-hand side and Sandra and Peter lived next door to them in the right-hand side. They lived in a lavish community for multimillionaires. Each family had his or her fortune. As incredible as it may sound, Sandra and Peter had accumulated a fortune from all the babysitting they did without knowing it and they‘d just discovered it and spent $30,000 on new furniture for their exclusive $800,000-home that Haggai and Heber had just bought them. Marlon had bought his house and his parents‘ lavish home which was actually estimated at $810,000. Geri and Marlon‘s mansion had seven bedrooms, five bathrooms, two living rooms on the first story and one big living room on the second story, a gigantic kitchen, a laundry room, a shed, a porch on one side and a pool on the other side. The three mansions were the same, except one was painted crimson, Marlon‘s mansion, while Sandra and Peter‘s mansion was beige and Maria and Scanlon‘s mansion was lime green, on the outside, and on the inside, each room was painted a different color or a different hue.


Each house had three satellite dishes so that the owners of the home could watch all different kinds of programming. They had satellite-TV packages that had over 200 channels of different categories, plus fifty movie channels and 100 channels in high-definition. They had huge HDTV‘s. They were enjoying the lush life, the life that everyone, even some rich people dreamed of. Then again, the Smiley twins were not only making everyone in their family happy, but they were making a lot of people happy. Together, the Smiley, Bennett, and Brady families were employing over 2,000 people in different positions in their companies, and those 2,000 people were starting to have companies of their own in the meantime. A couple of months later, these preeminent families and their former employees, they‘d created over 600,000 jobs of different kinds, improving the financial condition of the state.


However, the kind-hearted supernatural families weren‘t happy. They didn‘t stop there. They started communicating with other supernatural beings and their families so that they could literally spread new jobs all over the country, and within a few years, all over the world. The families had created a prosperous country. The President of the United States, Gordon Hague, was very happy. He didn‘t know where all these fantastic opportunities came from, so he couldn‘t really thank anyone, but the United States had literally once again become the most powerful nation in the world. It hadn‘t become powerful enough for everyone to be rich, but the middle-class people were living a good life, lacking nothing, and the poor people had become middle-class. Everyone had food on the table. Everyone could pay the bills. Everyone could buy clothes when they needed them. People with good credit could get a loan and buy a decent home,