From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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and people with bad credit could rent a decent home while they either fixed their credit or got a family member or a friend to help them out.


Then, all of a sudden, something changed. Seeing how prosperous the united States were, people started coming over from other countries, from all the continents. The American populations grew almost uncontrollably until the good beings started speeding things up, moving to those countries indefinitely and do for those countries the same things they did to the U.S. and then the immigrants moved back into their countries of origin. There were very few immigrants in this country now, and they were really working their way up the ladder. In a matter of months, they had gone from agricultural workers to business men and business women. The game had changed when it came to family life. If they wanted the economy to continue to flourish, both the man and the woman had to work hard when they were living together. The children were with their babysitters for eight hours of the day, or in school, and despite people being tired, everything worked out just fine. Their married or family lives weren‘t affected.


Dawn and Greg were so happy with their new baby, the second one. She was five months pregnant after having her first baby, Donovan Drew. Already, they were at a store buying the baby‘s crib, the baby‘s musical toys that went above the crib to help him sleep, his or her clothes, and at another store, they ordered the furniture for the baby‘s room to be delivered within the next four months. Next, they needed to pain the baby‘s room. Fortunately, before formalizing his relationship with Dawn, Greg lived alone and had two additional rooms at his house that he wasn‘t using for anything. He didn‘t think that he‘d have another baby so soon after his first one. He thought it would happen within the next few years, and he never imagined that Dawn would be the mother of his children. His spare bedrooms, each one of them only had a bed inside it. The room that Dawn and Greg had chosen for the baby was the largest room after Greg‘s room, the master bedroom. Dawn wasn‘t aware of it, but Greg had a surprise for her, a surprise that would change her life forever.


They accommodated all of the baby‘s new clothes on the backseat of Greg‘s minivan, in the bags.


“This is so exciting,” Greg said. “Not too long ago we were in a friends-with-benefits relationship and now we have a son and another baby.”


“I can‘t believe it either,” she said as she got on the passenger‘s seat of his car and Greg got on the driver‘s seat. They fastened their seatbelts at the same time and in no time, Greg started the car. “Although I always liked you and you‘re handsome and desirable, I have to admit I always thought that you were the last man on earth with whom I would have a child.”


He laughed as they pulled out of the parking lot. “You thought Haggai Brady would be the father of your children, huh?” Within minutes, they took the road once again.


“Yes, I did, foolish me. How could I have possibly dreamed that man would ever love me? He wasn‘t meant for me. He was born to be with my baby sister, Rebecca. Speaking of Rebecca, I was always so jealous of her.”


“Yes. You would tell me all the time when we talked.”


“This was serious. It wasn‘t just jealousy. There were times that I wanted to kill her. I just didn‘t have the courage to do it. I guess I wasn‘t born to be a murderer. I would spend hours daydreaming of one thousand different ways of killing her.”


“You never told me the reasons for your intense hatred.”