From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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able to buy this house without making any mortgage payments. He would only have to pay the taxes once a year and that was a no brainer for him. His house was slightly luxurious. It was a one story house with two living rooms and a family room, a comfortable kitchen with brand-new cabinetry installed a brand-new refrigerator, new flooring installed, a new range, a new dishwasher, renovated roof, two dining rooms, three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Everything in the house was renovated and freshly installed. Everything was brand new, and Greg had remodeled this house only months before. Dawn never understood why Greg was making all these home improvements, and she worried about how much money he was spending. The only thing that Greg hadn‘t changed about the house was the walls. He‘d even changed the colors of the rooms and every room and hallway was painted a different color. When she would visit him months and even weeks before, she didn‘t pay mind to the renovations he was making. She thought that perhaps the house needed these improvements and there were imperfections that she hadn‘t noticed when she first came into this house, but then again, everything seemed fine. Nothing needed to be fixed. This was just one of Greg‘s surprises for her. She wasn‘t expecting his next surprise.


They sat at the guest living room together in the sectional sofa, holding hands. She couldn‘t stop looking at Greg‘s brand-new sixty-inch HDTV and his digital video recorder provided by his satellite-TV company. Now, she asked the question that she‘d been yearning to ask before, but didn‘t dare to because she feared that he would get angry and think she was intruding when she really meant nothing to him than a few hours of fun—or so she thought. She felt that way about him, he was just a booty call to her, but he adored her from the moment he met her. “Greg, why did you make all these renovations on the house? It was fine when I met you and I came here for the first time. As far as I could see it needed no improvements.”


“No, it didn‘t need any improvements, I admit it.” “Oh…”


“I did all this for you, Dawn.”

“You spend thousands and thousands of dollars renovating the house…for me?”


“I always knew that our relationship was casual and that was very unlikely to change. However I always dreamed that we would one day share this house, that it would be mine and yours, and I wanted you to enjoy all this. I mean if things change radically for one minute to the next…”


“You got that right that things change from one minute to the next,” she said. “My whole life changed the minute that pregnancy test resulted positive.”


Finishing his thought he said, “I always hoped that things would change for us one day.” “Well, they did,” she replied, “big time.”


He retrieved a little squared, red-colored jewelry box from the inside of his jacket. “You were always the woman of my dreams, and you always will be,” he said as he opened the box and the diamonds in his engagement ring came to light and shone intensely. She covered her face with both hands and started crying. “Will you make me the happiest man in the world by becoming my wife, Dawn?”


She had to continue crying for a few minutes. She couldn‘t help it. This was beautiful and unexpected. Now was when she knew just how much he loved her. He wasn‘t just saying it during their intense moments of passion. He wasn‘t sucking up. He really, really loved her. Every word that he was telling her came from the bottom of his heart and she could see it in his eyes. She broke the silence and said, “Yes, Greg.”