From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“I was Mom‘s favorite and she was Dad‘s favorite. At least that‘s the way I felt while we were growing up. Fortunately, now I can see that I was wrong. Dad has always loved us both the same. It was just that when we fought, Dad would always take her side.”


“Your mom would always take your side. How did that make Rebecca feel?”


“I think she hated me for it. She just never did anything to show me how she felt. She would never do anything wrong to me, I mean really wrong. She would do things that I didn‘t like, but her intention was never to make me angry. She would do something, it would bother me, and when she realized it, it would be too late, and we‘d start fighting.”


“How do you feel about Rebecca now that you‘re going to be a mom?”


“My children have changed my life. I will never be the same again. We would always use protection during sex, but now I think back and realize that the condom broke for a reason. This was meant to happen. It was a true blessing. Gosh, do you remember when the condom broke and we freaked out, when we conceived Don?”


“In reality, I always wanted to have a baby with you. I always wanted to marry you. I freaked out, not because I wasn‘t ready to have a baby, or because I simply didn‘t want one, but because I was afraid of what you would do when you would eventually find out that you were pregnant. I was afraid you‘d…”


“Don‘t even say that. Don‘t even think about that,” she said without letting him finish his thought.


“You mean you‘d never do that?”


“No. If I didn‘t want my baby, if I really didn‘t want it, I would give it up for adoption. I‘d never kill it. I was born with several complications that were never detected in any tests that my mom had done during her pregnancy with me. No one thought I would survive, but I did. I would never kill my baby knowing that God saved me, that He gave me several chances just when everyone thought I would die. I can‘t even count the times I cheated death when I was little.”


“So you do believe in God. I always thought you were an Atheist.”


“Just because I don‘t go to church that doesn‘t mean I‘m an Atheist. I read the Bible every day. I reckon I don‘t always do what it says.”


“No one does what the Holy Bible says to the letter. We always fail no matter how hard we try.”


“Still, it‘s very entertaining. There‘s no wonder it‘s the best-selling book of all time.” “I hear you.”


Caressing her belly, she said, “And now God gave me this miracle,” looking down at her belly. “I am going to get excellent prenatal care to make sure that history doesn‘t repeat itself with my baby.”


“Oh, no, God forbid,” said Greg. “I‘m going to make sure that doesn‘t happen, ever.” They held hands while Greg drove without realizing it.


“I can‘t wait to get home. I have something important to tell you.” “Oh,” she said, “I wonder what it could be.” “Just wait. We‘ll be home soon.”


A half an hour later, Dawn and Greg got to Greg‘s house. They didn‘t live together yet. Dawn still lived with Jessica, but in his heart, throughout their relationship, Greg always knew that he would share this house with her one day. This was Greg‘s first house and he‘d bought it with his hard-earned money. Greg made very good money as a computer technician and he was