From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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all they had to do was visualize it. Haggai visualized the copy of the video that Vanessa had on another disc and on her computer. He sent Destiny a text message saying,




Destiny read the message and said, “Oh, my God, officers, you‘ve got to get a search warrant! That‘s not the only copy of the video that she has!”


“What?” Officer Aparizzio said. “How do you know that?”

“An Emadorian just sent me this message,” she said and let him see the text.

“Emadorians never lie, you know?” said Officer Cook.


“That‘s true,” Officer Scalia said. “We‘re going to get a search warrant first thing tomorrow morning.”


“Wait a minute,” said Vanessa approaching the officers, “you‘re going to search our house just because of something that some freak said?”


“We don‘t owe you any explanations,” said Officer Cook. “You‘re just one more criminal.”


“Fuck off,” Vanessa said as she turned and then walked away from them.


“Vanessa,” Michaela said, “how dare you?” Unlike her daughter, Michaela was a good person, incapable of the horrible things that her daughter would do on a daily basis. “Forgive her,” she told the officers. “She doesn‘t know what she‘s doing.”


“We can‘t do anything unless she touches us,” Officer Scalia said, “so she can say anything she wants.” In a matter of minutes, the officers walked out of the house and left the Snyder‘s driveway.


The next day, Vanessa was ready for the cops. She lied to her friend, Shawna, saying that the disc contained music that was downloaded illegally using a peer-to-peer program, that she‘d been caught, and that she feared being sued, so she‘d showed the cops that she‘d deleted all the music from her computer. That was a fantastic story, but it couldn‘t be more untrue.


Shawna‘s brother, Sergio, he was an Emadorian also because Shawna‘s mother, Victoria, was having problems getting pregnant in the beginning of her marriage so she had an in-vitro fertilization, and the sperm turned out to belong to an Emadorian named Elias Molina. Sergio was the only Latino person in his family. Everyone else was Caucasian. Nevertheless, the Snyder family loved having an Emadorian in their family. Sergio would always help his parents do their taxes, since he was only three years old. He would help his brothers and sisters with their homework at age seven. That‘s why Shawna, Victoria, the third child of the family her little sister, Sheridan, and their brother Simon had straight As in school, because besides helping them with their homework, Sergio taught them to study in a way that they would never forget what they‘d learned.


Sergio figured it all out when he first had the disc in his hand. He didn‘t even have to watch it. He had to talk to Shawna.


Shawna went into the room where she had hidden the disc. “What‘s wrong, Sergio?” She saw the disc in his hand and gasped. “Oh…”


“Vanessa lied to us, Shawna. There‘s no illegal music in here,” he said, holding the disc. “What‘s in here is a porn movie that doesn‘t even belong to Vanessa. It belongs to Zack and Ike. We have to go to the police.”