From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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So they did. The only things that Shawna wouldn‘t forgive anyone for were talking dirty about anyone in her family or in her friends‘ circle, and lying to her. She was very angry with Vanessa, so angry that she got transferred to another school to avoid seeing Vanessa‘s ugly face, ugly to her. The new school was twenty miles away from Shawna‘s house.


The police now had in their hands the only copy of the video that were left because, to

save herself from the police, Vanessa deleted the video from the computer when the police

searched her house with Michaela‘s permission. They didn‘t even have to get a search warrant

because Michaela was very cooperative.


Later in the day, the police arrested Vanessa for blackmail, sexual harassment and malicious theft. On top of that, Destiny had just filed a lawsuit against Vanessa. Luckily, Vanessa‘s parents, Michaela and Hugh didn‘t have to worry about this because they weren‘t in any part of the lawsuit. It was just Vanessa being sued. It was a two-million-dollar lawsuit. Vanessa wouldn‘t be able to get out until she paid five hundred thousand dollars of it, and then she would pay the rest after getting out of jail.


Vanessa was really sorry for what she did. She had done a complete 180. Her fellow inmates would never lay a hand on her, but they wouldn‘t stop yelling at her and getting in her face for all of the despicable things that she‘d done in her life. That broke her down in such a way that she decided to change her ways. Two months passed, and today, she was praying for a short sentence. She knew that it was too late for Destiny, Haggai and Rebecca to drop the charges.


Suddenly, Destiny arrived with her attorney to see Vanessa and Vanessa was notified that she had new visitors.


Vanessa gasped when she saw Destiny. She picked up the phone handset. “What are you doing here?”


“Don‘t you want us here?” Destiny asked, confused.

“No, it‘s not that. I just thought you hated me and I was the last person you wanted to



“No, I don‘t hate you. Haggai and Sergio told me that you were sorry and that you‘ve changed, that you‘ve become another person. We‘ve just pardoned what you did to us in the court. That means you should be getting out of here any minute now.”


Vanessa cried tears of joy. “You really did that for me?”


“I‘m a firm believer everyone deserves a second chance and if we don‘t forgive others for what they‘ve done to us, God won‘t forgive us for what we‘ve done to other people. I am not Christian, but I read what I just told you in the Holy Bible and it totally changed my life. I literally went to everyone that did horrible things to me in the past and I told them that they were forgiven, even people that have bullied me online.”


“Wow, how did you track down all those people?” said Vanessa out of curiosity.


“I meditated on it and wrote down the names of everyone that had ever done something bad to me. I used the Internet to find the email addresses and their phone numbers of those that didn‘t have computers and I told them they were forgiven. Most of these people told me that I had nothing to forgive them for, but then, I don‘t know what happened. A few weeks later, they called me back, apologized for their attitude and thanked me for forgiving them. I did it from the bottom of my heart. I don‘t even remember their offenses anymore.”


“You must be pretty special then,” Vanessa replied.

Destiny smiled.