From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“You will do that as soon as our producers watch this little scene that we made, they will call you, if you give us your phone number.”


Haggai and Rebecca didn‘t have pen and paper at hand, so they made a new address-book entry on Jose‘s cell phone under the name HAGGAI AND REBECCA BRADY.


“Ok,” said Carlos. “Haggai and Rebecca Brady, this is good. You guys have biblical names, huh?”


Looking at one another, somewhat surprised, Rebecca said, “That‘s funny, we‘ve been going out for a little over a year and we‘ve been married for two months, and we never noticed that. That‘s so cool!” Everyone laughed.


“Ok, we‘re going to call you and let you know how our producers liked it.” Rebecca and Haggai‘s two new friends walked out of the restaurant.


As Carlos, Jose and their crew left the restaurant, Ryan commented, “That was a great improvised scene!”


“This is wrong, and I know it,” Jose said to Carlos, “but I really fell in love with that woman. I‘ve never fallen in love with anyone at first sight before.”


Carlos was extremely conservative. He was known as ‗the man from the seventeenth century‘ in his circle of friends. “How can you say that, Jose? She‘s married!”


“It‘s not like I‘m ever going to touch her…” Jose replied as they walked to their car and the cameramen placed their equipment in their big van.


“It‘s nice of you to clarify that,” Carlos said, interrupting Jose‘s thought.

“…But she‘s the most beautiful woman I‘ve ever met.”


“You‘ve got to get over her, man. Her husband is an Emadorian.” They got into the car. “Oh, crap…!” They were in their car fastening their seatbelts. Carlos was the driver and

Jose was the passenger.


“That‘s right, and you‘re in serious trouble if you don‘t get over her within the next thirty days. If that‘s not possible for you, then we‘re not going to be able to film this movie and we will lose the opportunity of a lifetime.”


“You‘re right, man, Carlos. I‘ve got to get over Rebecca for the well-being of all of us.” “That‘s right. Before this project is launched, don‘t communicate with her in any way.


Don‘t call her. Stay away from her and find another woman that will be yours and yours alone.” Jose got home and he couldn‘t stop thinking about Rebecca. The right thing to do was to tell his friends that he was way too infatuated with Rebecca and he couldn‘t get over her, not to


do the film. However, he didn‘t want to make his friends redo that scene with different actors because he knew how difficult it would be to make the scene so believable and outstanding. It was very unlikely that he would find another Emadorian at least one who was willing to do the same thing Haggai did, without Jose having to pay him any money. He had to keep his feelings secret, at least until the filming of the movie was finished.


He wrote Rebecca a letter that would never get to her, telling her that he loved her and he wanted to be with her, but he couldn‘t because she was married, because his conscience wouldn‘t let him even try to conquer her. Jose started to cry as he wrote the letter. When he fell in love with a woman, he would fall pretty hard. He‘d only had one short relationship and that was because she got bored and tired of him, dumped him, and conquered her next victim. She went to jail for that because she was abusive to Jose. She used to beat him up for no reason. He was twenty at the time and she was twenty-nine, much older, and certainly more experienced than he was. This woman was physically and verbally abusive to all of the men she had in her life. Her