From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Vanessa got on her computer, logged on to the web site, created a user name and a password, and right then and there, she started taking the courses to get her diploma. All that she had to pay for was her textbooks. She paid for them with Michaela‘s credit card, whose number she knew off the top of her head, although she‘d only used it to pay her parents‘ bills because they both worked full time and they didn‘t have time to pay the bills or do anything online for that matter. The transactions were successful and her textbooks would be in her hands within the next four days. For now, she had an account with this web site and she could ask questions to the professionals and chat with other students.


Meanwhile, Rebecca and Haggai were eating dinner together at a restaurant. They were as happy as could be. The only person that could threaten their love was out of jail, but she was also out of their lives, and Vanessa had vowed to do everything in her power to get over Haggai Brady. Rebecca was pregnant with their first child.


Suddenly, man approached them. “Say, lady, why don‘t you leave your boyfriend right here and run away with me?” he said. He was fascinated with Rebecca from the moment that he saw her and he dared to make his move. He didn‘t give a damn that she had a man.


“He‘s not my boyfriend,” Rebecca said and showed him her wedding ring. “He‘s my husband.”


“Oh,” said the man, “he‘s your husband.” He pulled out a gun from the inside pocket of his jacket and pointed at them. Rebecca‘s eyes bulged and she gasped. She couldn‘t believe what was happening. “I‘ve never done this for any woman, lady, but I want you and you‘re going to come with me, like it or not!” He admired Rebecca‘s beauty, but in reality, he didn‘t want her for himself. He was a struggling actor and he was improvising an action movie scene to show it to independent-film producers to land a role in a big film and finally be recognized. Everyone saw the video camera and other people at the restaurant started whispering things to each other.


Haggai knew what Jose wanted to happen next, so Haggai improvised another shocking scene, like he was following a script word for word. “You are not taking my wife!” Haggai screamed. “I will kill you first!” He knew that he had to make this scene as real as possible without really hurting Jose, so he grabbed Jose by the shirt, lifted him like lifting a feather and placed him on his and Rebecca‘s table, but he made it look like he‘d thrown Jose against the table with all his might, breaking the table in half. Emadorians could create illusions and make them seem so real that no one could unmask them, but this was only the first time that Haggai had done this.


After all that, Haggai made it look like Jose was covered in blood and had broken all of the bones in his body and people who would later watch this film could even see Jose‘s shattered bones popping out of his skin. It was really gory. He communicated with Jose telepathically and asked him to pretend to be dying, saying his last words to Rebecca and then die, that he would make it all seem real. Jose did as told. He faked his death lying down on the floor. The director, Jose‘s best friend, Carlos, yelled, “Cut! It‘s the end of the first and final scene!” The recording stopped.


Jose got up and shook Haggai and Rebecca‘s hands. “Thank you for helping us. We‘ve got the trailer of our movie and if you agree,” he said looking Rebecca and Haggai in the eyes, “we will start filming this month, and the film will last only one month because it‘s not a big film, and the running time will only be one hour.”


Enthusiastic with the idea of superstardom and smiling, Haggai said, “When do we sign our contracts?”