From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“Don‘t worry. I‘ll help you train him to learn his new name. I‘m a dog trainer. My parents don‘t work because I earn very good money. I train celebrities‘ dogs.”


Pulling out his wallet, as they walked Levy to Jose‘s car, Jose said, “Oh, really?” Surprised, she asked, “What are you pulling out your wallet for?” “I‘m going to pay you.”


She put down his wallet with her hand. “No,” she said. “When someone does something nice for me, and that person needs my services, I don‘t charge the person for them.”


“Ok,” Jose said and put his wallet back in his pocket, “thank you.”


“It‘s the first time this has happened though,” she said while Levy got into the backseat of the van and Kelly opened the left-hand-side door and put the window down so Levy could let his head out the window as he took the blissful ride. They went to the front doors and Jose got in the driver‘s seat while Kelly got in the passenger‘s seat. Minutes later, they left the parking lot and took the road.


A half an hour later, they arrived at Jose‘s house and got out of Jose‘s car. They went to Jose‘s door and knocked the door. “May I ask you a personal question, Jose?”




“Why are you still living with your parents at age twenty-three?” “That‘s because I‘m legally incompetent.” Stunned, Kelly said, “I‘m sorry.”


“Nonetheless, the process to invalidate that is almost finished.”


“Let me guess,” Kelly said while Jose‘s dad, Jonas, put on a bathrobe and walked to the door to answer it, “your stepfather forced your mother to declare you legally incompetent and prove that you were, of course.”


“You guessed right.”

“Oh, my goodness…”


Jonas opened the door, smiling. He was surprisingly handsome. He was forty-two, but he looked thirty. Jose looked exactly like him except Jose had blue eyes and Jonas had brown eyes because Jose inherited his mother‘s eye color. They had short black hair, rectangular-shaped faces, thin lips and bright and perfectly-aligned smiles that could kill and that caused other men to envy them. They had athletic bodies. They would both exercise regularly. “Hello, Jose.” He and Jose hugged. “This must be Kelly. Come on in, senorita.”


Jose and Kelly went in and Kelly went in and Kelly shook Jonas‘ hand. “Yes, I‘m Kelly,” she said while Jonas closed the door behind her and Jose. “It‘s very nice to meet you, Mr. Milian.”


“I feel the same way,” Jonas replied. “I just made a supreme pizza, extra large. Would you like some?”


“I am hungry,” Kelly said. “Thank you.”


“They don‘t have extra-large pizza at any store,” Jonas commented, “so I made it from scratch.”


“That‘s nice, Mr. Milian,” Kelly said as they walked to the dining room.


“I am a retired chef. I had to retire to take care of Jose.” Jonas became saddened all of a sudden. “I hope that court order that made my son legally incompetent becomes null soon.”


Just then, the mailman arrived.

“I‘ll serve the pizza,” Jose said and walked several steps to the kitchen.