From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Jonas went out to get the mail. Since it was the end of the month, Jonas got the bills of their utilities, a package that Jose had ordered online and a letter from the courthouse. This was it. This was what the Milian family was waiting for. It was the letter that stated whether Jose was now competent or still incompetent. Jonas went inside and walked to the dining room. Jose and Kelly were each eating a slice of pizza. Jonas placed the mail on a corner of the dining room table that the pizza hadn‘t occupied despite its colossal size. He kept the letter from the courthouse in his hand and said, “The grand moment has arrived,” he said as he opened it. “Your life is going to change forever, son.”


Kelly held Jose‘s hand and then squeezed it hard to show Jose her unconditional support.


Chapter 7


“Oh, my God,” Jonas said and handed the letter to Jose.


Smiling and laughing, Jose said, “Kelly, I‘m not incompetent anymore! It‘s been proven that my mother was coerced to have me declared incompetent!”


“I don‘t get it,” Kelly said. “Why would that lollipop licker…” Jonas and Jose cracked up laughing. “Oh, no, she didn‘t,” Jonas said.


“Considering that insult has a double meaning,” Jose commented, “that sounded so wrong!”


They couldn‘t stop laughing.

“…Want Jose declared incompetent?” Kelly asked, finishing her thought.


“He wanted to do as he pleased with the disability check that I would get after being declared incompetent irrevocably,” said Jose.


“It was a really fat check, too, five thousand dollars,” Jonas said, “You see Jose is schizophrenic and what this imbecile did was to deny Jose access to his medications and make sure that he wouldn‘t get them. He would flush them down the toilet and then Jose couldn‘t get a refill or another prescription. Jose would go crazy he‘d have him institutionalized. Doctors and nurses would give Jose a new medication because they thought the medication they were giving him wasn‘t working. They really tried all the medications for schizophrenia available and Martin wouldn‘t give them to Jose or let Riley give the medication to him and they thought that Jose was so sick that he couldn‘t do anything for himself, so he had to be declared incompetent. Riley didn‘t want to do it, but Martin convinced her to sign the papers.”


“Why did Martin hate you so much, Jose?” Kelly asked.


“He hated me because one day, when I was thirteen, he and I argued, I said something that he didn‘t like, he punched my face in, and my mom saw me crying. I told Mom what happened and she took my side because only she could hit me, and ever since that day, he‘s abhorred me because Mom would always overrun his authority over me,” Jose explained.


“That man must be mentally ill,” commented Kelly. “He‘s not mentally challenged, he‘s evil,” Jose replied. “I agree.”


“I thank God that I had the chance to come back and fix everything that was done

wrong.” Jonas sat down in the dining room beside Jose and started eating his first slice of pizza.


Riley arrived and heard Jose, Jonas and Kelly in the dining room and went straight to the dining room. “Oh,” she said, “that pizza looks delicious,” and took a slice in her hand.