From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“I have all the time in the world for you. Actually, do you want to come over later to meet HX2? They‘re younger than you and that will probably make you feel kind of weird, but they‘re very nice.”


“That‘s my eleven-year-old-niece‘s favorite band,” he said as they walked out of the mansion together, saying goodbye. “It will be nice of me to take pictures with them and give the pictures to her.”


“Do you have siblings?”


“Yes, but they‘re all older. The oldest is thirty-six and the one before me is twenty-six. Jonas, my thirty-six-year-old-brother, is the father of my adorable eleven-year-old niece, Paola.”


They figured that their conversation was taking longer than they expected, so acting as if they were crazy, they went back into the house. It seemed that they couldn‘t make up their minds whether they wanted to be inside or outside. “Tell me the names of your brothers and sisters.”


“Yes, that‘s right, I forgot to tell you about my other siblings,” he said, laughing. “I only told you about two of them. Jonas is thirty-six, Maria is thirty-two, Pablo is twenty-nine, Joanna is twenty-seven and Sabrina is twenty-four.”


“That‘s amazing. Well, I have two older sisters named Jennifer and Joy. I‘m Kelly, of course, and then we have my younger sister, Kendra, the baby of the house. She‘s twenty and she just had a baby.”


“Cool,” Jose said.


“Make yourself comfortable while I get ready to receive the band. I decided that it‘s better for you to stay so you don‘t have to leave and then come back.”


Jose sat down on the couch. “May I watch TV?”


“Sure,” Kelly said. “This is our guests‘ TV. Our personal TV‘s are in the family room and in our bedrooms. I‘ll be right back.” She left.


Having heard an unfamiliar voice, Jennifer went downstairs to the guests‘ living room. “Hello.” She wasn‘t married but she had a boyfriend. Kelly‘s mother was conservative and she would not allow her daughters‘ boyfriends to live with them. “I‘m Jennifer, Kelly‘s sister.”


Jose got up and they shook hands. “I‘m Jose Adrian Milian.” “I‘m Jennifer Cambridge. It‘s very nice to meet you, Jose.” “Likewise,” said Jose.


She sat by him. “When did you meet my sister? How did you meet her?”


“I met her last night. I guess she saw my dog Jonathan outside while she was walking down the street and she confused him with her lost dog, and she went to my house looking for her dog.”


“Yes. We will miss Roy.”


Suddenly, they turned around and looked out the window sensing that someone was looking at them and they saw Jonas from the window bringing Levy over to the Cambridge mansion with a collar and a leash.


“Look who is coming! It's Levy, your new dog,” Jose said and got up to open the door. Jennifer couldn‘t believe her eyes as Levy came into the house and greeted her. “That‘s a


good boy,” she said to him, petting him. “It feels like Roy had never left. The new dog is acting like he knows me.”


“Well, I have to go,” Jonas said. “I have to start the process of starting to work at Stacy‘s Palace all over again.”


“So you don‘t have to go to culinary school again, Dad?” Jose asked, surprised.