From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“No. I have my degree.”


“All right, Dad, have fun.” Jose gave Jonas a big hug. “I hope you start working tonight.” “It‘s very unlikely that I‘ll be able to start working tonight, son, but I appreciate that.” “Good luck, Mr. Milian,” Jennifer said.


“Thank you,” said Jonas and walked out the door.

Jennifer said, “Your dad is handsome. You look just like him.”


“That‘s what all my friends say,” Jose said. “Some of my friends, female friends, have told me that they have fantasies with my dad. That makes me feel so weird. That‘s like my male friends telling me that they would like to sleep with my mom.”


“Can you blame your girl friends?”


“I‘m a man and he‘s my father, so I can‘t really tell if I can blame them,” Jose said and then laughed.


“All you have to do to decide if your friends are right in thinking that he‘s hot or not is to look in the mirror.”




Rebecca was in her room, checking out pictures of her favorite singer, Roy Dawson Summerville, on her computer, on a website. Suddenly, the phone rang. Haggai was working. She answered the phone. “Hello.”


“Hello, Mrs. Rebecca Brady?”

“This is she.”


“This is Trent Goodman, producer of the film Obsessive Love. I am calling you about your magnificent performance in what we decided would be the ending of the movie.”


“Magnificent performance?” asked Rebecca, excited.


“Yes, ma‘am, and we want to offer you the role of our heroine, Cynthia Lieberman.” “That‘s great!” Rebecca said. “When do I start?”

“The official start date is October 1st, 2007.”

“How will I get my contract?”


“Give me your fax number, and I will fax it to you.”


Rebecca dictated her fax number to Trent. Trent wrote it down on his yellow notepad. “Thank you,” said Trent. “I am going to fax the contract to you right now, and I want you


to read it and sign it only if you agree with the terms. If you don‘t agree with the terms, email me at”


“I‘m going to call my husband for him to help me decide.” “You do that and I will talk to you later.”


“Goodbye, Mr. Goodman,” said Rebecca and hung up.


Rebecca called Haggai at work and Haggai answered the phone. “Hello.”


“Sweetie, this is Rebecca. I‘m sorry for taking your time, but this is very important. I need you to help me make a decision.”


“I always have time for you. It‘s nice of you to consult this with me, my love,” he said. “I‘m going to fax you a copy of my contract with Trent Goodman for the main role in the


film Obsessive Love, and you‘re going to tell me if I should sign it or not.” “That sounds like a plan.”