From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“Let‘s see,” said Kay and remained pensive for the next five minutes as she looked at the roof of the car to be able to concentrate on what she was going to say next; thus her next words would determine the days of the rest of her life, “I need to reapply for scholarships…”


“Yes,” said Robinson as he made a mental note of the list.


“I need to go to TJ MAXX and get like $500 - $1000 worth of clothing.” She didn‘t mean any word of this. She just said it to see how he would react.


“We won‘t get all of that until you‘re like three days from starting your classes once again,” he said.


She was blown away, figuratively. She looked back at him and said, smiling, “You can‘t be serious.”


“Oh, yes I am,” he replied. “I am very serious.”


“Well, I wasn‘t serious about the TJ MAXX thing. I just wanted to hear what you‘d say after I told you about it.”


“I was serious about the TJ MAXX thing and that‘s the only thing that matters, so don‘t worry about anything. I‘ve got it covered.”


“Can you afford it?” she said, flabbergasted.


“Oh, yes, every penny of it, I mean; I don‘t mean to brag, but I live very well. I‘m not rich, but I can support me extremely well. I am the head of an enterprise.”


“You‘re an entrepreneur?”


“Tell me the name of your company.”

“It‘s Bennett Records.”

“Oh, my God, you‘re a record producer?” Kay said, excited.

“Yes, I am.”

“Do you work for many artists?”


“Not for many,” he said, “just for three of them.” “What genre predominates in your label?”


“No genre predominates. We are different from other labels because we let our artist express their talent in any way they want to. We not only record music, but we also help them with any project that they might start; whether it be acting, cooking, writing… we have a publishing company and a school of the arts. Right now, our name, the name of our enterprise is Bennett Records, but my father is in charge of Bennett Publishing Company and my older brother, Robert, he is in charge of Robert Bennett Jr. School of the Arts. Our only limit is Hollywood.”


“I imagined Hollywood being your only limit,” said Kay, smiling brightly, “being that your family does so many things at the same time… Am I wrong or does every member of the Bennett family have an enterprise?”


“Not every member of the family; just the adult members,” said Robinson. “I mean I started my record label in the fall of 2005.”


“I can tell that you‘ve been successful.”


“Yes, but I‘ve only made music for three artists because my funding is limited and I can‘t promote my label.”


“My godmother, Anna Christina, she‘s rich. Maybe she can help you.”


“I don‘t want to take advantage of anyone in your family, Kay. Your family has had so much grief lately and I don‘t have the right to make things worse for them.”