From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“You must be kidding, Robinson Bennett. Seriously, tell me that you‘re kidding. Godmother won‘t think twice before doing anything for you after she learns everything that you‘re planning to do for me, despite the fact that Bennett Records is struggling to stay on foot. If the funding for promotion is the problem, all that I have to do to take care of it is borrow your cell and call Godmother at Pacoima. She‘ll be here in the time it takes a shooting star to swing by the sky.”


“I want you to wait until I execute my plans with you. I don‘t like receiving anything without giving something first.”


“I‘m Christian, Robinson,” she said, facing the road, with a beautiful smile in her face, “and I firmly believe that the fifty-fifty way of living is not right. I know that this will surprise you, Robinson, but I believe that the fifty-fifty way of living is wrong because God loves us unconditionally.”


“That‘s beautiful. Tell me more about your religion. I want to belong to it. I need to belong to something or someone on this earth.”


Shocked, she turned her face to look in his eyes again and asked, “What do you mean by that, Robinson?” and said, “I don‘t understand.”


“I have come from a planet that God created, but forsaken at the same time. My species, we‘re not angry at God, but we believe that he‘s abandoned us to focus on you, the Earthlings.”


With tears in her eyes, Kay asked, “What planet are you from?” “I was speaking metaphorically.”


Still impressed, Kay simply said, “Oh!”


He went on to say, “Because that planet hasn‘t been created yet. God‘s love for us is so minimal that He hasn‘t even taken the time to create a planet for us to live in peacefully, like I assume that the Earthlings live.”


“You‘re wrong in thinking that we, the Earthlings, live in peace, Robinson, because we don‘t, and the saddest thing is that no living thing that belongs to your species has anything to do with our suffering. You see we didn‘t even know that you were here.”


“We‘ve come from the underground of the Earth.”


Becoming more curious by the minute and with every interrogative of hers that Robinson answered, Kay asked, “You‘ve come from hell? Are you demons?”


“No, we‘ve come from six feet under the ground, and no, we‘re not the living dead. We are just… I don‘t even know how we surged. Unlike humans, we‘re something that ‗just happened‘. We‘re literally living things that came out of nowhere.”


Kay cried tears of deep sorrow. “Are you superhuman or subhuman?”


“We don‘t know; none of us know. We‘d have to undergo extensive and thorough DNA tests to find out.”


“Robinson,” she said and dared to hold his hand, which was on his lap, “I want you to know that just because you finally came up here after the Lord knows how long, you don‘t have to worry about what we think of you. All that you have to do is obey our laws, both the heavenly laws and the earthly laws that we abide by.”


“We know that, but we‘ve always lost sleep over what you think of us. We want you to accept us.”


“Robinson Bennett, the only one that has to accept you is our Heavenly Father!”