From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“This is abuse, whoever you are!” she yelled back. “Did you know that I can report you for this?”


“Go report your mother, bitch!”

Olivia was astounded. No one had treated her like this.

“Go screw your mother for all I care!”

“Person!” she screamed.


“You are so pathetic! Go to hell! If I can‘t talk to him on the phone, I will find some other way to contact him! I‘ll see you later! Actually, I hope I never see you again, you moron!” Jose hung up.


Trent called Olivia at her extension.


Olivia answered the phone knowing it was him because she‘d assigned a special ringtone for his calls. “Yes, Mr. Goodman.”


“Was that phone call for me, the phone call you just received?”


“Yes, sir, but I thought you didn‘t want to talk to Jose Milian, so I pretended not to hear a word he said, and after a couple of horrible insults, he hung up on me.”


“Jose Milian, you said? I am going to call him back. I can‘t lose him. He‘s a very talented actor. I am going to call him back right now. Thanks, Olivia.” Trent hung up.


Olivia was stunned. She was trying to protect her boss from Jose, and her boss actually wanted to talk to Jose. Olivia was afraid that she would lose her job because of what she did to Jose. She couldn‘t let that happen. She had to call Jose.


However, it was too late for Olivia to do anything about it. Jose was talking to Trent on the phone already. He‘d called him directly to his phone instead of talking to Olivia first. “Are you blaming me for what happened because I put an Emadorian on the movie scene? I didn‘t know the damned man was an Emadorian!” Jose yelled.


“No, Jose that is not what I‘m saying at all.” Trent tried to stay calm.


Jose got notification of a new phone call on the other line. “Hold on a second. I have a phone call on the other line.”


“It might take a long time, so I will call you back later.”


“Bye.” Jose terminated the call and took the call on the other line. “Hello.” “Jose?”


“Yes, Olivia, what do you want?” he said, annoyed.


“I‘m sorry for treating you earlier like you didn‘t exist, like I didn‘t know you.” “You know something? How I take something that someone tells me depends on who


tells me. You mean nothing to me. Just like I‘m nobody to you, you‘re nobody to me.” “Jose…”


“You are no one. You are stupid. You made me feel stupid, only for an instant, but that‘s ok because if I‘m stupid, you‘re worthless, and I think being stupid is far better than being worthless because when you‘re stupid, you‘re something, but when you‘re worthless, you‘re nothing. Therefore, from now on, I‘m going to live my life like I never knew you.” He was writing a new journal entry on his computer, typing it with his right hand while he held the phone handset with his left hand, saying how much he loathed Olivia.


“Jose, please…”

“I say goodbye to you forever.” He hung up.