From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Olivia hung up and started to cry. These words really hurt her. Jose‘s words were stakes to her heart. That was because Jose was an Emadorian, too, but his superpowers and his true nature hadn‘t been manifested yet.


Two hours later, Jose was making another movie scene, the scene where the story started, to give Don, one of Robinson‘s fellow producers, an idea of what the movie was about, like a synopsis in a novel.


Just before Jose could start the narration of the story, the phone rang.

Carlos yelled, “Cut! Don‘t edit out this scene!”

Jose answered the call. “This is Jose Milian.”

“You are a charlatan! How dare you?”


Jose recognized Trent‘s voice. “What are you talking about?” He put the phone on speaker.


“How dare you to break Olivia‘s heart like that?” “I still don‘t know what you‘re talking about.”


“You told Olivia the worst things that a human being could say to another, you son of a bitch! I am not going to allow her to kill herself because of you!”


“Ok, first of all…”

“You‘re swine!”

“I want you to stop talking shit and listen to me, ok?” yelled Jose at the top of his lungs.

Trent just had to shut up and listen.


“She made me feel like I was stupid. I would talk to her and she wouldn‘t stop talking shit, pretending not to know me and then pretending not to be able to hear me! I had to give her a taste of her own medicine.”


“Still, you had no right to…”

“I had every right to defend my self-esteem and the little pride that I have left!”


“I was going to offer you a role in one of my movies in which you would‘ve had sex with the entire female cast, but…”


Jose interrupted Trent by replying, “Don‘t bother. I‘m an Emadorian,” and hung up.

Carlos, Rey and Sebastian laughed.

Rey said, “You lied to him telling him that you were an Emadorian. You are something


“I had to get him off my case somehow.”


Trent called Jonas at his workplace after searching the Net for the Milian family‘s personal information, until he got tired of it.


Jonas couldn‘t pick up the phone because he was working at the restaurant and employees weren‘t allowed to receive and make phone calls unless it was an emergency, so Jose‘s manager, Celia, answered the phone. “Casa Bella Restaurant, this is Celia. How may I help you?”


“One of your employees needs to contact me as soon as possible.” “Is this an emergency?”


Trent had crumbled a whole bunch of sheets of printer paper for no reason. He was too infuriated to think straight. “Well, yes, it is,” he responded. “Jonas Milian‘s son has made my secretary suicidal and since his son is legally incompetent, I hold Jonas responsible for his son‘s actions.”