From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“Well…” She would‘ve said that cybersex meant nothing to her, but she wasn‘t supposed to break his heart just yet. It wasn‘t time. “We‘re not boyfriend and girlfriend until you ask me to be your girlfriend?”


“Ok, Emma, do you want to be my girlfriend?”


She was scared of having a relationship, casual or serious, with a borderline man. She had to do it, though. “Yes, Pablo, I want to be your girlfriend. As a matter of fact, let‘s do something stupid together, to celebrate, sort of, like telling dumb jokes knowing they‘re dumb.”


They did this, for hours.


Pablo was having his favorite, a chocolate milkshake, in the dining room. Suddenly the phone rang. He got up and answered the phone. “Hello.”


“Is this Robinson?” The woman that was calling knew the truth, but she had to keep up appearances.


He had to do the same thing. “Yes, it is.”

“Hello. This is Hannah. Do you remember me?” Hannah was Robinson‘s ex.

“Yes,” he said, “of course.”

She tested him. “Do you? Who am I?”


All of a sudden, Sergio came into the other line and started listening to the conversation and using telepathy to help Pablo get out of this predicament. She’s Robinson’s ex! Pablo heard a voice talking to him in his head, but it was real.


“You‘re my ex!” Pablo said.

Her name is Hannah!

“You‘re Hannah.”


“That‘s right, I‘m Hannah. I have some bad news for you. I know you‘re married, but we have a baby together.”


Holy cow! He wouldn’t be pissed, but he wouldn’t be thrilled, either! Pablo heard Sergio‘s voice in his head as if each word said was his own thought.


“That kind of ruins my plans, but it‘s not bad news,” Pablo replied.


“I‘m sorry, Robinson. This wasn‘t in my plans, either. You know we both used protection.”


Stupid humans! Don’t they know that the only contraception method that works when they’re with us is to not have sex with us at all? We, male and female Emadorians are the ones who decide if we should have a child or not, not they! Most of the time they think it’s ok to have a child and then they wind up regretting it and either give their child up for adoption or find some other way to get rid of the child!


It totally shocked Pablo to hear all this.