From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Chapter 8


“I know, I know,” Pablo said. “I don‘t blame you for anything. Just tell me how much money you want for child support and I will pay it right away.”


The real Robinson knew what was happening because it was on his mind, playing like a



“I will pay fifteen thousand dollars a month, if that‘s ok with you.” “That‘s more than ok. That‘s great. That means that I don‘t have to work.” Robinson wrote, FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR CHILD SUPPORT –


HANNAH LEYVA on his notepad and underlined it twice.


“No, all you have to do is stay home and take care of our child,” Pablo said. “That sounds good to me. I‘ve got to tell you, though, that I am sorry about what


happened. I didn‘t plan this. I didn‘t want a child. I was going to give him up for adoption, but the first time I had him in my arms I just couldn‘t do it. I didn‘t sign the papers. My baby was so adorable. I just couldn‘t do it.”


Robinson dialed the number of the couple that almost became Robbie‘s parents.

Tatyana, the woman that was going to adopt Robbie, answered the phone. “Hello.”

“Is this Tatyana Jacobs?”


“So you know what I‘m talking about?”


“Of course, you‘re talking about the child that my husband and I would‘ve adopted and named Nolan Jacobs, but in the end, his mother, Hannah Leyva backed out.”


“I just wanted to confirm if it was true.”

“Yes, it‘s true.”

“How are you doing? Could you adopt another child?”


“Yes,” said Tatyana, smiling. “We adopted a child shortly after named Cyrus Jacobs and I‘ve got another baby with my husband that‘s due in four months.”


“That‘s fabulous, Mrs. Jacobs. Congratulations. Well, I have to go.” “Goodbye, Mr. Bennett.”


Robinson hung up.


Pablo was sitting on his computer, talking to a friend on his instant-messenger, thus he had decided that if he had brand-new accounts, no one would be able to contact him. He even used a fake name. All of a sudden, another woman contacted him on his new email. “Oh, no,” he said, but this woman had nothing to do with Trent or Olivia. This was just a lonely woman who‘s been locked up in her house all this time because her mother was demented and she made her a prisoner in her own home. Now, the woman was living in her aunt‘s house and her mother was in a mental institution. The woman was twenty-four years old and her ability to contact him despite not knowing anything about him was a supernatural occurrence. It happened because it was meant to happen, although no one knew how.


The woman sent Pablo a message. HEY, DAVIAN!

He ignored it.

Patiently, she waited and then typed, HEY, DAVIAN once again.


He heard a voice inside his head saying, “Talk to her! She‘s the love of your life! She has nothing to do with the man that wants to hurt you!”


Pablo started typing messages to Maria. HI. HOW ARE YOU DOING?