From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Sixteen angry teenagers decided to bang on Alex‘s car window until one of them broke the window with a baseball bat. When these demons had access to Alex, they pulled him out of the car and started beating him savagely with everything they had.


Three hours later, the beating stopped, and when the youngsters noticed that Alex would die if they didn‘t stop, they ran away, like scared little children. Casually, Kris, an Emadorian passed by and noticed the dying man. He walked up to Alex, got down on his knees, bit his own wrist, and placed his bleeding wrist on Alex‘s open chest, healing all of Alex‘s wounds from the inside out. Fifteen minutes later, it was like Alex had never been beaten. Even his clothes were clean. He got up. He stretched his hand to salute Kris, but Kris rejected him. “Forget it, man. I know you hate us because two of us are the reason your wife is in jail.”


“Wait!” Alex said as Kris walked away from him. “I don‘t hate you. I never have.” “You hated us before I came. Don‘t deny it.”


Crying, Alex said, “Listen, man, I can‘t hate you, any of you, after you saved my life, not even Jose Milian.”


“Jose Milian is one of my best friends.”


“I‘ve just realized that my wife is in jail, not because of Jose and his brother, Pablo, but because of what she did to get back at them. Olivia should not have done that. If she felt horrible about what Jose told her, she should‘ve come to me and her children for comfort. I always know how to make her feel better.”


Kris shook Alex‘s hand. “Now that you know the truth, how are you going to deal with this situation?”


“I don‘t think I will have to worry about her for long.” “You don‘t love her anymore?”


“How could I possibly love a woman who‘s capable of causing someone‘s death just because someone close to that person hurt her feelings?”


“I have to go, man.”

“Would you please give me your phone number?”


Kris grabbed Alex‘s hand, pulled a pen out of the pocket of his pants and wrote his phone number on Alex‘s hand. “There you go. I know you need a woman in your life, so just don‘t worry about it for now. She‘s coming soon.” Kris left.


Olivia knew that there was no way she could get out of jail unless Jose and Pablo dropped the charges against her, and she knew that this was never going to happen. She had to escape, but she didn‘t know how.


Suddenly, her cell mate got back from the visitation room after seeing her attorney. She asked Olivia, “Would you like to get out of here?” The woman had just become an Emadorian because an Emadorian child spit on her eyes after she made a rude comment to him when he was singing a song to his mom‘s best friend, one of the inmates. “I can get out whenever I want.”


“How can you be so sure about that?” Olivia asked. “Do you know a way to escape?” The inmate simply disappeared, leaving Olivia stunned. She reappeared in Sweden,


inside a clothing store, where she changed her clothes. Sergio got in touch with this new Emadorian and started helping her out. He gave her his credit card with a thirty-thousand-dollar line so she could buy anything she wanted, because Sergio had his life savings in the bank, one million dollars. He could easily pay the credit card off if she spent all the money, but this was someone else‘s card, so she would never do that. All that she wanted was some clothing, some food, and plastic surgery to change her appearance totally.