From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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The woman didn‘t know however that she didn‘t need plastic surgery. All she needed to do was think about the woman she wanted to be and Sergio would help her become that woman. Sergio communicated with her telepathically and told her this. As soon as she followed Sergio‘s instructions, she reappeared in jail and died there inexplicably. Then, a new woman surged with her spirit inside.


She didn‘t have to stay in Sweden. She went right back to the United States to assume a new identity. She had new identity documents and she started living a brand-new life. It was like she was reborn. She had no family, but she would start one sooner than she thought.


Since she had just started building her credit and working on her new job, she didn‘t think that she could buy a new home. Out of the blue, a single thirty-five-year-old-man came walking down the sidewalk of her rented house. He was listening to soft-listening music on his iPod as he walked. Rapidly, he noticed this gorgeous brunette getting her mail. His fiancée had just broken off the engagement and left him because he had obsessive-compulsive disorder and she could not handle it. When he saw this woman, everything changed. He forgot completely about all his obsessions and compulsions. She touched his heart. With Sergio‘s help, in a matter of seconds, the man knew everything about her. Her body was brand new and no man had touched it. This fascinated him.


He made his move and approached her just as she was walking to the entrance of her house. “Hello.”


She turned around to face him and smiled at him. He was very handsome. “Hello. Do you live around here?”


“Yes. I live three blocks down,” he said, smiling. “What‘s your name?”


“My name is Shelly Lockhart. Some people think my real name is Michelle when I tell them my name is Shelly, but my name is Shelly.”


He shook her hand. “My name is Reginald. My nickname is Reggie.” “It‘s nice to meet you, Reggie. You are scorching hot.”


He laughed.

“I‘ve never seen eyes like yours.”


Reggie smiled. “Thank you. How old are you, if you don‘t mind me asking?” “Of course I don‘t mind. I‘m twenty-seven.”


“I‘m thirty-five,” Reggie said. “Is that too old for you?”

Shelly smiled and said, “As long as you can still conceive, you‘re not too old.”


He laughed and said, “You just met me and you already want me to be the father of your children?”


“Why is that so hard to believe?” She gave him a kiss on the lips. “Do you want to come inside?”


Reggie was a scared little boy now. No woman had ever been so forward with him. Sure, she was desperate for a boyfriend and he knew it. He thought it seems that I’m going to get married within three months after all. A mysterious woman had predicted his future and told him that he would get married within three months with a woman he‘d just met. She had just died three days before, and he didn‘t know this.


Reggie and Shelly went inside Shelly‘s house. Right at the entrance, as Reggie closed the door behind him he found a reference book about Emadorians on the wooden living-room coffee table. Shelly was in such a hurry to make a meal for her and her guest that she didn‘t know the book was there. She went right into the kitchen. Sergio had finished writing that book five days