From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Since she was figuratively stripped, Stacy decided to pull her silent pistol off the pocket of her pants and yelled, as she closed the door behind her, “Yes, that‘s right. I am Stacy Thurman, the true love of Reginald Goldstein‘s life, and I came here to end yours!”


Shelly pretended to be frightened, pulled back, and walked a few steps back. Stacy shot her in the chest five times. Stacy was amazed when Shelly just stood there, motionless for a few minutes. Then, she looked down at the five holes in her skin and they healed in a matter of minutes. Stacy didn‘t know what to do next. She dropped her gun, covering her face with her hands and started to cry.


Shelly picked up the gun and pointed it at Stacy. “You know that nothing will happen to me if I shoot you, right, because you‘re in my house!” Shelly chased Stacy with the gun for a few minutes, but she didn‘t want to kill her because Sergio told her not to do it. Because of his help and his guidance, Sergio was officially declared the Emadorian Assistant and Guide worldwide, as he was born to control the minds and actions of these beings. No Emadorian could do it. Everyone applauded Sergio as he stood there, with his award in his hands, crying tears of joy. With his mind he could control every Emadorian that needed help at the same time, with his mind, as he did other things that humans usually did.


Meanwhile, Shelly and Reggie were having a blast in California. Every three days they would go to a different place in the world and take a tour around the capital of that country or state. They would really travel around the world in one hundred and eighty days because that was the time that Reggie was given for vacation.


Shelly and Reggie shared a passionate kiss in their room that led to a night of bliss. As they did the erotic dance of love, they discovered that they really loved each other. Five hours later, it all ended, and they were so sweaty that they had to take showers separately with cold water in order to be fresh. Then, they went to an authentic Italian restaurant in Italy. Shelly had a bump in her abdomen and it was hard. It was not a full belly, though. Shelly was pregnant, and the gestation period of female Emadorians was only three days long, but Emadorian babies would age in a yearly basis, like human babies did. However, they would be a lot more intelligent and they would graduate high school at the age of eight. By age twenty, they would be doctors in all branches of medicine, computer technicians, teachers, among other six-figure careers and earn great money.


Sergio was exiting a store. He used his keyless-entry remote to unlock the driver door of his car. Suddenly, a couple of Emadorian haters splashed a chemical on him, all over his body that kept him from being able to defend himself and reverse any damages that were done to him. Then, they hit him on the head so severely that they crushed his skull and damaged his brain. They knew that Emadorians could not be killed and that they could only die of old age at 300 years old, so they thought they had damaged his brain and he could no longer help all the other Emadorians with their problems. Sergio screamed, “Help!” at the top of his lungs, hoping that someone would hear him somewhere nearby.


All of the other Emadorians got connected to Sergio, and the next thing he knew all of them, all ten thousand of them were surrounding him. No one could see his naked body as they stripped him and bathed him with soap and water. However, the only way to reverse the damage that the chemical had done was to get a very special Emadorian to literally bathe Sergio with his blood and get his skin to absorb it. That Emadorian was Angel Ray, and fortunately, he was there right at that moment.