From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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before, and he‘d published it twenty-four hours before, with the Bennett Publishing Company. Reggie sat down, picked up the eight-hundred-page-tome and started reading it. In less than two hours, he‘d already read one hundred pages. He knew enough about Shelly to either marry her or run away from her, move out of the neighborhood and even the city, and never see her again. He had made his decision, nonetheless. He would marry her, not within three months, but within one week. He never knew a woman as well as he knew Shelly, not even his own mother. He got up and went to the dining room as soon as he heard Shelly serve their dinner: beef stew.


He sat down and said to her, “Shelly, let‘s get married.” Shelly smiled. “Are you serious?” “Yes. I want us to have a big wedding.”


“Are you sure, Reggie?”


“I‘m positive. I know you. In fact, there‘s nothing I don‘t know about you.” She smiled and thought Sergio is helping me. She saw Sergio smiling in her mind.


“I know what you like and what you don‘t like. All I have to do is avoid doing the things you don‘t like and we won‘t have any differences.”


“I love everything you do,” she said as she sat down and held his hand. “Let‘s get married, baby.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek and she smiled.


One week later, everyone Reggie and Shelly knew was at their wedding. She was wearing a pink dress instead of white because she had no idea that she had been reborn in every sense of the word. Reggie was wearing a white tuxedo. They looked awesome today. They said their vows three hours after the ceremony began. Since Shelly had never gone to Reggie‘s house, she didn‘t know that he made seven hundred thousand dollars a year working for Vidal, the world‘s leading company of computers. He only had five hundred thousand dollars in his bank account though, in case of an emergency. He would place fifteen thousand dollars in his checking account every month to pay all his bills including his credit-card bills. He seldom used his credit cards, however.


They arrived at the reception at Reggie‘s mansion minutes after and there they danced, ate, and had a great time. Nevertheless there was no alcohol, not even for the toast because Reggie was a recovering alcoholic. He became an alcoholic after he found his first formal girlfriend in bed with another guy three years before. He‘d been with that woman for three years.


Reggie‘s ex fiancée, Stacy, she was deeply sorry that she‘d left Reggie. She never loved him. Nonetheless, she only wanted him because from the moment that they got engaged, she could use and misuse his money all she wanted. She knew that Reggie got married today. She managed to steal a photo of Shelly that someone had taken with an old-fashioned camera from the year 1990. She tore Shelly‘s head off in the photo and she was planning to kill her in real life because she was sure that Reggie still loved her and if Shelly died, she would be able to get back together with Reggie. What she didn‘t know was that if she tried to kill Shelly, Shelly wouldn‘t die.


Stacy went to Shelly‘s house while Reggie was working for the last day before their honeymoon, which would start tomorrow.


Shelly opened the door. Stacy was disguised as a home-health aide. She made up a story. “I‘m a home-health aide and I was hired to bathe, dress, and give a respite to Mr. Tim

Matthews‘ wife, you know, take care of his wife.”

“I know who you really are. You‘re Stacy, my husband‘s ex fiancée.”