Gabriella by Carl Facciponte - HTML preview

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Chapter 32

Paul’s eyes opened lazily, prompted by the sun warming the 43rdfloor before making its way down to the street level. He gazed across the pillow to see the most beautiful woman he had ever known in his life, lying on her side next to him. He smiled. Her green eyes opened and shone like emeralds in the morning light. Her full lips formed a welcoming smile. He basked in the moment’s warmth.

Good morning, how did you sleep last night?” He reached out to her under the sheets and ran a loving hand across her skin from shoulders to hips. Her skin was warm and smooth to the touch. For the first time in years, his heart was full of perfect peace and joy.

I don’t know if we slept much at all last night, Paul. But sometimes sleeping is a distant second-best.”

Paul smiled as thoughts of last night replayed in his mind.

Gabriella reached out to him and pulled her body against his so they were skin to skin from head to toe. “I like this a lot,” she said as she wriggled her body provocatively against him. Spasms of delight shivered his body.

His feelings for Gabriella overwhelmed his heart. Never did he think cuddling with anyone could make him feel like this. His mind reeled when Gabriella smiled and breathed, “Paul, I don’t want this moment to end. I want it to go on forever.”

Me too, Honey. Me too.” Life is good. My love next to me in bed, the rising sun, the birds chirping. Wait! The birds chirping? What? We’re 43 floors up!

Dad, do we have any milk?” Alexi asked out of nowhere. “Daaad! Do we have any milk?”

Paul’s eyes popped open. He was wearing his pajamas and lying in his own bed in the rectory. “Ahh, sure, Honey. It’s on the top shelf in the fridge. Hold on, I’ll reach it for you.”

He sighed heavily and lay there for another minute before reluctantly getting up to start his day.