Gabriella by Carl Facciponte - HTML preview

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Chapter 35

The sun was within an hour of setting Friday afternoon when Gabriella’s cell phone rang.

Gabriella, it’s Jim. I know it’s late, but I need to see you tonight. Can we meet?”

Sure, Jim. When and where? What’s this about? Would you rather come over to my place and talk?”

No, Gabriella, your place will not work at all. Can we meet at the grill on West Fifty-Seventh and Seventh Avenue in half an hour?”

Okay, Jim, but what’s up? You don’t sound like your normal self. I’m concerned.”

We’ll chat when we meet. See you in half an hour.”

Jim was standing on the corner as Gabriella stepped out of the yellow cab.

Gabriella ran to Jim, wrapped her arms around him, and snuggled her face deep into his chest. She gave him a full-body hug, pressing together from head to toe. It was an embrace most men would welcome. Jim tenderly put his hands on her upper arms and peeled her off.

Jim, why are you pushing me away? What’s wrong? You’re scaring me. This isn’t like you at all.”

I can’t help it, Honey. Things have changed. I’m no longer the same person I was. This will be harder than anything I’ve ever done in my life.”

What are you talking about? Whatever it is, we can work it through together.”

Gabriella, no matter what, we cannot work it through together.”

What do you mean? We’ve always been able to work things through together. What’s different now? Can we talk inside?”

No, I’m afraid it wouldn’t do to go inside to talk. I’d rather do it out here. It’s a nice night, anyhow. See, the thing is, I’ve been talking with Harry, and he’s started to make sense to me. In fact, he makes a lot of sense to me. I’ve turned my life around.”

What does turning your life around even mean, Jim?”

It means I’ve given my life to Jesus and have reconsidered how I run things. I know it sounds crazy, it does to me too, but I don’t want to do what I’ve been doing all of my life anymore. I’ve willingly changed, and like the way I am now, and won’t go back.”

What does this mean for the two of us? Why can’t we sit down over coffee and talk?”

Gabriella, it means we can’t sleep together anymore. It also means I will do everything possible to make things right with my wife. Our love may have faded, but we are still married, and I need to do whatever I can to do to save our marriage. It includes not sleeping with you anymore.”

Jim, I can’t believe you’re saying this. We’ve had so much together.” Paul said something about spiritual bonding taking place when people have sex. Is this what he was talking about?

Jim was resolute. He said he would cherish everything they experienced together, but it had to be over.

They turned from each other and went their separate ways. Two broken hearts were lying crushed and hurting on the hard, cold New York sidewalk.


Jim went back to the lab and worked late. He cared for her and knew there would never again be a woman who touched his emotions as profoundly as Gabriella, but was firm in his conviction to be a good husband to Alice from this point forward. Jim squared his jaw and resolved to make things right. He was a new man, and it felt good.